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wydawnictwo: WYD PW , rok wydania 2014, wydanie I

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Designing the Four Rod Crab Cavity for the High-Luminosity LHC Upgrade

Vol. XXV, Editorial Series on Accelerator Science

List of Figures 
List of Tables 

1 Introduction \
1.1 TheLHC 
1.2 LHC Upgrades
1.3 Crab Cavity Upgrade
1.4 Summary

2 Crab Cavities 
2.1 Radio Frequency Basics
2.1.1 PW Theorem
2.2 Beam Dynamics
2.3 Introduction to SRF
2.4 History of Deflecting and Crab Cavities
2.4.1 Lengler
2.4.2 CERN - Karlsruhe
2.4.3 NAL
2.4.4 CEBAF
2.4.5 KEKB
2.5 Other LHC Crab cavities
2.6 Conclusion

3 CST Cavity Modelling 
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Mesh and Convergence Study
3.3 Separation
3.4 Outer Radius
3.5 Rod Radius Variation
3.6 Gap variation
3.7 Rounding
3.7.1 Rounding at rod base and beam pipe
3.7.2 Rounding Tip
3.8 Conical Rods
3.9 Oval Rods
3.9.1 Oval Base Breadth Width
3.9.2 Oval Mid point Breadth Width
3.9.3 Oval Tip Breadth Width
3.10 Cavity Shape
3.11 Changes due to Beam-pipe shrinkage and coupler squash
3.12 Updated Cavity Design
.13 Conclusion

4 Voltage Calculations 
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Complications of Voltage Variation
4.3 Multipole Components
4.4 Voltage Variation in the Original Shape
4.5 Pill Box Voltage Variation
4.6 Voltage Variation in Cylindrically-Symmetric Cavity with Beam-Pipes
4.7 Voltage Variation for a Four Rod Deflecting Cavity
4.8 Voltage Comparison
4.9 Parallel Plates
4.10 Focus Electrodes for removal of sextupole component
4.11 Kidney Shape
4.12 Multipole components of new cavity
4.13 Summary

5 Bead Pull 
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Bead Pull Theory
5.3 Aluminum Cavity
5.3.1 Needle Choice
5.4 Comparison to CST
5.4.1 Operating Mode
5.4.2 Lower order mode
5.5 Bead Pull of Four Rod Cavity
5.6 Summary

6 Multipacting 
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Theory of Multipacting
6.3 Simulation of Multipacting
6.4 Cavity Results
6.5 Conclusion

7 Design and manufacture issues.
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Compound Round and Electron Beam Welding.
7.3 Deep Drawing and Compound Round
7.3.1 Kidney, No Compound Round
7.3.2 No Kidney, No Compound Round
7.3.3 Kidney, No Compound Round, Slanted Rods
7.4 Summary of Altered Shapes
7.5 Niobium Saving

8 Wakefields 
8.1 Proposed LOM Coupler
8.2 Proposed Wave-Guide Coupler
8.3 Conclusion

9 Conclusion 
9.1 Design of Compact SRC Cavity
9.2 Comparison to Other Cavities
9.2.1 Quarter Wave Resonator
9.2.2 Ridged Wave-Guide
9.2.3 Four Rod Structure
9.2.4 Summary of LHC Upgrade Options
9.3 Future Work
9.3.1 Elimination of Sextupole Components
9.3.2 Vertical Testing of Structure
9.3.3 Couplers
9.3.4 Thermal and Mechanical Considerations
9.3.5 Tuning
9.3.6 LOM and HOM Frequencies
9.3.7 Test in SPS
9.3.8 Cryomodule
9.3.9 Low Level RF
9.4 Other Applications


196 pages, Paperback

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