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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2013, wydanie I

cena netto: 479.50 Twoja cena  455,53 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Bank Performance, Risk and Securitisation

The book brings together the latest research on banking, financial markets, and the recent financial crisis. Written by a group of leading scholars, it offers both empirical and theoretical perspectives on topics such as Basel III and bank efficiency; microcredit securitization; asset-backed securitization and credit risk; asset management issues in sovereign wealth funds. It also examines the impact of the new structural liquidity rules on the profitability of EU banks and examines China's controlled potential property bubble and its economic slowdown. The book provides state-of-the-art scholarly research on bank performance, risk and securitisation and is essential reading for scholars, researchers, graduate students and consulting firms interested in banking and financial markets.

1. The Impact of the New Structural Liquidity Rules on the Profitability of EU Banks; Laura Chiaramonte, Barbara Casu and Roberto Bottiglia

2. Basel III and Banking Efficiency; Ted Lindblom and Magnus Willesson

3. Estimating the Probability of Financial Distress in European Markets: Prediction Models and Empirical Applications; Andrea Cerri, Gimede Gigante

4. Performance Management Systems in Swedish Savings Banks: A Longitudinal Study through the Deregulations' First Quarter of a Century; Viktor Lundberg

5. Does Asset-Backed Securitization Affect the Credit Risk of the Originator Banks? The Italian Case; Francesca Battaglia and Maria Mazzuca

6. Microcredit Securitization; Mario La Torre and Fabiomassimo Mango

7. Country Risk: Measurement Approaches and ECAIs Rating; Pasqualina Porretta, Gianfranco A. Vento and Fabrizio Santoboni

8. Top Players in Central and Eastern Europe: Does their Widespread Presence Enhance Bank Efficiency?; Katarzyna Mikolajczyk

9. Asset Management Issues in Sovereign Wealth Funds: An Empirical Analysis; Andrea Paltrinieri and Flavio Pichler

10. A VAR Approach to the Analysis of the Relationship between Oil Prices and Industry Equity Returns; Joseph Falzon and Daniel Castillo

11. China's Controlled Potential Property Bubble and its Economic Slowdown: Overview of Causes and Policy Options; Rene W.H. van der Linden

360 pages, Hardcover

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