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wydawnictwo: WYD UW , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 62.30 Twoja cena  59,19 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Gold in technogenous placers of Lower Silesia, Poland

1. Introduction
2. The history of gold mining in Lower Silesia – an overview
2.1. Medieval placer gold beneficiation and extraction methods

3. Previous studies on the placer gold mineralization in Lower Silesia

4. Field and laboratory methods.
4.1. Sampling and laboratory processing
4.2. Analytical methods

5. The North Sudetic Basin region
5.1. The history of exploration and mining
5.2. Geological setting
5.3. The Lwówek Śląski district
5.4. The Złotoryja district
5.4.1. Złotoryja – Kopacz mining centre
5.4.2. Nowa Ziemia – Sępów mining centre
5.5. Gold characteristics
5.6. Discussion of the origin and source of placer gold
5.7. Prospective geological environments

6. The Dziwiszów historical mining district
6.1. Surficial geology
6.2. Bedrock geology
6.3. Geology of the auriferous sequence
6.4. Gold characteristics
6.5. Source of gold and other placer minerals

7. The Wądroże Wielkie region.
7.1. The history of exploration and mining
7.2. Geological setting
7.3. Mineralized veins.
7.4. Gold-bearing clastic sediments
7.4.1. Eluvial series
7.4.2. Colluvial series
7.4.3. The Wierzbiak River valley-fill auriferous sequence.
7.5. Placer gold characteristics
7.5.1. Size, morphology and internal texture of gold
7.5.2. Chemistry of gold
7.6. Genesis of the Wądroże Wielkie placer gold
7.6.1. Origin of supergene Au-mineralization
7.6.2. Timing of the secondary gold mineralization
7.6.3. Implications of secondary gold mobility
7.7. Summary of placer gold mineralization at the Wądroże Wielkie region

8. The Eastern Sudetes historical mining district
8.1. Geological setting.
8.2. Historical placer mining activity
8.3. Technogenous deposits generated by historical gold mining
8.4. Distribution, size and morphology of the gold grains
8.5. Chemical composition of gold
8.6. Evidence of gold remobilization

9. Gold-bearing tailings generated by processing plants
9.1. Rakowice Plant – geology of the Middle Bo´br River valley
9.2. Se˛dzisław Plant – geology of the Lesk Creek valley
9.3. Heavy mineral concentrations and their characteristics
9.4. Content of gold and other heavy minerals in tailings
9.5. Gold characteristics .
9.5.1. Size distribution
9.5.2. Grain shape
9.5.3. Internal texture
9.5.4. Chemistry and probable primary sources of gold
9.6. Free gold grains in the separation process .
9.7. Lost of placer gold in the process of beneficiation

10. Supergene mobility of gold – an overview
10.1. Bio-mediated Au mobilization in placer environmen

11. Models of Ag-depleted rims formation

12. Textures indicative of authigenic gold reprecipitation – a discussion

13. Summary and conclusions .
Abstract. .

208 pages, Paperback

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