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wydawnictwo: WYD UJ , rok wydania 2013, wydanie I

cena netto: 40.50 Twoja cena  38,48 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Developing the sociology of ageing

To tackle the challenge of ageing societies in Central and Eastern Europe

The book collects the most contemporary issues related to the process of ageing of societies in Central and Eastern Europe.

The multiplicity of topics presented with the variety of theoretical and methodological approaches means that although it is a publication by many authors, it is a consistent monographic study, showing the development of sociology of ageing as a scientific discipline in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The aim of the book is to call the attention of the reader and emphasize that the challenges of population ageing in this part of Europe are important aspects of sociology is particularly valuable. These challenges require not only recognition and resolution through application of appropriate research approaches, but also education of various actors (including policy makers) for being prepared for both diagnosing the phenomena and taking action in practice.

from the review of Prof. dr hab. Jolanta Grotowska-Leder


Jolanta Perek-Białas and Andreas Hoff , Introduction: Developing the ‘Sociology of Ageing’ to Tackle the Challenge of Ageing Societies in Central and Eastern Europe

I. Perceptions of older persons
Marta Sugareva, Kamellia Lillova, Public perception of the elderly and agediscrimination in Bulgaria
Katarzyna Wądołowska, Image of the typical elderly Poles

II. Pension system and retirement
Katsiaryna Padvalkava, Knowledge about pensions in Belarus: How much is enough?
Maciej Grodzicki, Pension reform and retirement behaviour in Poland – interdisciplinary analysis
Łucja Krzyżanowska, Fear is a bad adviser – consequences of negative attitudes of the Poles towards the pension system

III. Migration and housing
Ágnes Neményi, Kinga Gal, The role of aged people in migrant rural families in Romania
Marek Niezabitowski, Elderly people in residential environment
Gretchen Garniss, Independent senior housing in Poland? Leading issues in the market

IV. Sociology of healthy ageing and care
Beata Tobiasz-Adamczyk, Piotr Brzyski, Monika Brzyska, Different types of maltreatment and health-related quality of life in older age
Jiří Remr, Typology of family care for dependent seniors
V. How to tackle the challenge of the sociology of ageing in CEE countries?
Sarmite Mikulioniene, Sociological research on ageing in Latvia and Lithuania: responding to the challenge of ageing?
Notes about contributors

248 pages, Paperback

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