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wydawnictwo: C.H.BECK , rok wydania 2013, wydanie II

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Legal English

Książka przeznaczona jest dla prawników oraz studentów prawa, którym potrzebna jest znajomość specjalistycznego prawniczego języka angielskiego.

Publikacja oparta jest na nowoczesnych metodach nauczania języków obcych. Może być pomocna w przygotowaniach do zdawania egzaminów TOLES oraz ILEC.

English is the dominant language of the international legal practice and corporate business world. Therefore, its importance cannot be underestimated and that is why the need to learn in particular the specialised legal English has been growing for the past few years. However, the language of law is much different from the every-day language irrespective of the country. What’s more, the legal concepts vary from country to country and therefore it may lead to many misunderstandings and linguistic problems which puzzle the learners.

I have written this book to assist practicing lawyers, students of law, translators as well as anyone interested in law who wish to develop their English language skills within a legal context (both for academic and vocational training purposes).

Therefore this book is intended to help understand the legal terminology and phrases as well as some major differences between both systems. Moreover, it provides the users with a chance to practice communication skills in spoken and written legal English to enable them to read and draft legal text, discuss and explain legal concepts and so to operate with confidence within the business, especially corporate, and legal environment.

The book is composed of 14 units – each unit discusses a different aspect of corporate law through introduction of relevant terminology, presentation of adequate texts, real court cases as well as numerous exercises which encourage the learner to put the newly acquired vocabulary into practice both through oral as well as written expression. Compete

Unit 1: Sources of Company Law
1. Introductory note
2. Text focus
3. Discussion
4. Vocabulary focus
5. Reading for detail
6. Quick quiz
7. Plain English vs. legalese
8. Rephrasing
9. Writing focus
10. Build your legal glossary
11. Branches of law
12. Unit quiz

Unit 2: Classification of Companies and Partnerships
1. Introductory note
2. Text focus
3. Discussion
4. Vocabulary focus
5. Choosing a form of organisation
6. Reading for detail
7. Quick quiz
8. Writing focus
9. Rephrasing
10. Build your legal glossary
11. Branches of law
12. Unit quiz

Unit 3: Formation and Incorporation
1. Introductory note
2. Text focus
3. Discussion
4. Vocabulary focus
5. Branches of law
6. Reading for detail
7. Quick quiz
8. Writing focus
9. Rephrasing
10. Build your legal glossary
11. Branches of law
12. Unit quiz

Unit 4: Company Governing Bodies
1. Introductory note
2. Text focus
3. Discussion
4. Vocabulary focus
5. Duties of directors
6. Reading for detail
7. Quick quiz
8. Writing focus
9. Rephrasing
10. Build your legal glossary
11. Branches of law
12. Unit quiz

Unit 5: The Corporate Veil
1. Introductory note
2. Text focus
3. Discussion
4. Vocabulary focus
5. Legal professions
6. Reading for detail
7. Quick quiz
8. Writing focus
9. Rephrasing
10. Build your legal glossary
11. Branches of law
12. Unit quiz

Unit 6: Agency
1. Introductory note
2. Text focus
3. Discussion
4. Vocabulary focus
5. Court systems
6. Reading for detail
7. Quick quiz
8. Writing focus
9. Rephrasing
10. Build your legal glossary
11. Branches of law
12. Unit quiz

Unit 7: Consolidation

Unit 8: Ultra Vires Doctrine
1. Introductory note
2. Text focus
3. Discussion
4. Vocabulary focus
5. Civil litigation
6. Reading for detail
7. Quick quiz
8. Rephrasing
9. Writing focus
10. Build your legal glossary
11. Branches of law
12. Unit quiz

Unit 9: Company Financial Structure
1. Introductory note
2. Text focus
3. Discussion
4. Vocabulary focus
5. Going public and insider trading
6. Reading for detail
7. Quick quiz
8. Writing focus
9. Rephrasing
10. Build your legal glossary
11. Branches of law
12. Unit quiz

Unit 10: Corporate Financial Statements
1. Introductory note
2. Text focus
3. Discussion
4. Vocabulary focus
5. Taxes
6. Reading for detail
7. Quick quiz
8. Writing focus
9. Rephrasing
10. Build your legal glossary
11. Branches of law
12. Unit quiz

Unit 11: M&A and Reorganisations
1. Introductory note
2. Text focus
3. Discussion
4. Vocabulary focus
5. Alternative Dispute Resolution
6. Reading for detail
7. Quick quiz
8. Writing focus
9. Rephrasing
10. Build your legal glossary
11. Branches of law
12. Unit quiz

Unit 12: Corporate Contracts
1. Introductory note
2. Text focus
3. Discussion
4. Vocabulary focus
5. How to secure a contract?
6. Quick quiz
7. Reading for detail
8. Rephrasing
9. Writing focus
10. Build your legal glossary
11. Branches of law
12. Unit quiz

Unit 13: Insolvency and Winding-up
1. Introductory note
2. Text focus
3. Discussion
4. Vocabulary focus
5. Sample statement of claim for debt recovery
6. Reading for detail
7. Writing focus
8. Quick quiz
9. Rephrasing
10. Build your legal glossary
11. Branches of law
12. Unit quiz

Unit 14: Consolidation

Answer Key

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