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wydawnictwo: COPERNICUS CENTER , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

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Studies in the Philosophy of Law vol. 6

The problem of legal normativity is one the most controversial issues in the philosophy of law. It was already a subject of heated debate in the 19th century and, over the last one hundred years, the study of normativity has taken many shapes and forms: from Kelsen’s dualism, through the reductionism proposed by legal realists, to some nihilistic stances. In recent years there has been a renewed interest in the problems surrounding the concept of law’s normativity and this volume is seen as a contribution to that debate.

Part I. The Concept of Normativity

Jerzy Stelmach
And if There is No `Ought`?

Triantafyllos Gkouvas and George Pavlakos
Preliminary Remarks on a Theory of Legal Normativity

Wojciech Załuski
Three Senses of Moral and Legal Normativity

Bartosz Brożek
Outline of a Theory of Law's Normativity

Stefano Bertea
Normativity, Human Constitution and Legal Theory

Part II. Contexts and Debates

Matthew H. Kramer
Freedom and the Rule of Law

Emmanuel Melissaris
The Conditions of Normativity of Liberal Criminal Law

Jaap Hage
Legal Transactions and the Legal Ought

Marta Soniewicka
`What ought I to do?` — Norms and Obligations in the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche

Radosław Zyzik
Normativity and Moral Psychology. The Social Intuitionist Model and a World without Normative Moral Rules?

About the Authors

228 pages, Hardcover

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