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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 48.00 Twoja cena  45,60 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Faces of Competitiveness in Asia Pacific

Pn 191


Part 1. Determinants of the competitiveness of regional groupingsin the Asia and Pacific region

Ewa Oziewicz: Remarks on international competitiveness of ASEAN economies
Yoshiaki Sato: The drift of East Asian Community. Why promoting freedom of movement now
Sebastian Bobowski: Baldwin’s „domino theory” of regionalism – its sources and implications for East Asian states
Andrzej Cieślik, Tao Song: Preferential trade liberalization in Southeast Asia. The case of ASEAN countries
Bartosz Michalski: Linking free trade with fair competition. Case study of ASEAN’s experiences
Marcin Grabowski: Will Trans-Pacific Strategic Partnership Agreement increase the competitiveness of the Asia-Pacific region
Marcin Nowik: The competition in the field of development co-operation – between the Beijing and the Washington Consensus
Monika Paradowska: Transport as an area of co-operation between integrating countries in Europe and Asia
Zbigniew Piepiora: The regional co-operation in the field of counteracting the results of natural disasters as the factor of increasing the competitiveness in the Asia-Pacific region
Marian Żuber: Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones in the Asia and Pacific region in the context of global security

Part 2. International competitive potential of the economic actorsof the Asia and Pacific region

Guenter Heiduk, Agnieszka McCaleb: Competitiveness of Chinese MNEs. Innovation versus imitation, branding versus price, acquiring versus developing ?
Piotr Adam Wiśniewski: Competitiveness of Chinese suppliers of telecommunication technology on international markets
Sylwia Przytuła: Human capital as a source of competitive advantage of East Asian corporations (Chinese and Japanese )
Anna Żelezna: Transnational corporations and their influence on the competitiveness of Asian newly industrialized economies
Sebastian Bobowski, Anna H. Jankowiak, Szymon Mazurek: Business networks and the competitiveness of transnational corporations in East Asia
Anna H. Jankowiak: Cluster models in Japan on the example of Toyota cluster
Karolina Łopacińska: Keiretsu as a form of partnership in the Japanese business system
Agnieszka Piasecka-Głuszak: The main problems in the implementation of Japanese kaizen/lean tools in companies on the Polish market in accor-dance with the Kaizen Management System – the analysis of research

203 pages, Paperback

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