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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 50.90 Twoja cena  48,36 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Competitiveness of Economies in the Asia-Pacific Region.Selected Problems

Pn 192

Katarzyna Żukrowska: Why are Asian economies competitive? Example of Japan and China 
Aneta Kosztowniak: Models of the market economy in the global economy. Objections and recommendations to change the principles in the situation of the global financial crisis 
Magdalena Kinga Stawicka: International competitiveness of Asian states
Marcin Jałowiecki: Asian cities as future potential financial centers of the world 
Katarzyna Kita: Level of agricultural financial support in selected Asian countries
Katarzyna Wolak: Partnership between Japan and the European Union 
Paweł Pasierbiak, Jarosław Kuśpit: Changes in Japanese merchandise trade during the economic crisis of 2008-2010
Radosław Rybkowski: Higher education, greater opportunity. The role of higher education in securing economic growth (Japan, South Korea) 
Barbara Jankowska: Cluster policy in Japan and its results. The case of Kansai Front Runner Project Neo Cluster
Marcin Haberla, Aleksandra Kuźmińska-Haberla: The image of Japan in the world according to Nation Brands Index 
Elżbieta Majchrowska: China’s trade with ASEAN nations: CAFTA perspective
Elżbieta Czarny, Paweł Folfas, Jerzy Menkes: Competitiveness or political power. Reasons for Chinese FDI in Africa
Maciej Żmuda: China’s outward foreign direct investments in Asia
Marzena Brzezińska: Facing the rebalancing challenge. China’s 12th Five- Year Plan and its implications on China’s future development .
Tomasz Bieliński: China’s increasing competitive advantage in research and development, and human resources .
Artur Klimek: New challengers. Innovation in China and India
Grzegorz Bywalec: Trends and determinants of trade exchange between India and the European Union 
Magdalena Broszkiewicz: The competitiveness of the capital market in India as a result of corporate governance development 
Bogusława Skulska: Entrepreneurship as a factor shaping the competitive capacity of Malaysia in the twenty first century 
Tadeusz Sporek: The leading sectors in Nepal in the context of changes taking place in its economic situation 
Przemysław Skulski: Considerations of the marketing on the international arms market

229 pages, Paperback

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