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wydawnictwo: ROUTLEDGE , rok wydania 2014, wydanie I

cena netto: 240.00 Twoja cena  228,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Molecular Exercise Physiology: An Introduction is the first student-friendly textbook to be published on this key topic in contemporary sport and exercise science. It introduces sport and exercise genetics and the molecular mechanisms by which exercise causes adaptation. The text is linked to real life sport and exercise science situations such as 'what makes people good at distance running?', 'what DNA sequence variations code for a high muscle mass?' or 'by what mechanisms does exercise improve type2 diabetes?'

The book includes a full range of useful features, such as summaries, definitions of key terms, guides to further reading, review questions, personal comments by molecular exercise pioneers (Booth, Bouchard) and leading research in the field, as well as descriptions of research methods. A companion website offers interactive and downloadable resources for both student and lecturers. Structured around central themes in sport and exercise science, such as nutrition, endurance training, resistance training, exercise & chronic disease and ageing, this book is the perfect foundation around which to build a complete upper-level undergraduate or postgraduate course on molecular exercise physiology.

1. Introduction to Molecular Exercise Physiology Henning Wackerhage 2. Genetics, Sport and Exercise: background and methods Stephen M. Roth and Henning Wackerhage 3. Signal Transduction and Adaptation to Exercise: background and methods Jatin G. Burniston, Mhairi Towler and Henning Wackerhage 4. Molecular Adaptation to Endurance Exercise and Skeletal Muscle Fibre Plasticity Keith Baar and Henning Wackerhage 5. Genetics and Endurance Sports Stephen M. Roth and Henning Wackerhage 6. Molecular Adaptation to Resistance Exercise Keith Baar and Henning Wackerhage 7. Genetics, Muscle Mass and Strength Arimantas Lionikas and Henning Wackerhage 8. Molecular Sport Nutrition D. Lee Hamilton, Stuart Galloway, Oliver Witard and Henning Wackerhage 9. Human Evolution, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Exercise Kian-Peng Goh, Angela Koh, Henning Wackerhage 10. Molecules, Ageing and Exercise Henning Wackerhage 11. Molecular Neuroscience and Exercise Peer Wulff and Henning Wackerhage 12. Molecular Exercise Immunology Stuart Gray and Henning Wackerhage

338 pages, Paperback

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