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wydawnictwo: WORLD SCIENTIFIC , rok wydania 2014, wydanie I

cena netto: 640.00 Twoja cena  608,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Globalizing Information

This volume presents important analyses of international trade, technology transfer and the global economics of intellectual property rights through selected and key works of Keith E Maskus, spanning his long career. The book includes 17 chapters, ranging from theoretical modeling to empirical and statistical analysis, and policy contributions. Readers will find significant questions addressed in the determinants of trade, foreign direct investment, patents and trade, licensing, parallel imports, innovation, and climate change. These chapters span the scope of economic analysis of the globalization of intellectual property and technology transfer, a field in which the author has been a pre-eminent presence.


How Trade-Related Are Intellectual Property Rights?

Intellectual Property Rights, Licensing and Economic Growth

Vertical Distribution, Parallel Trade and Price Divergence in Integrated Markets

Parallel Imports and the Pricing of Pharmaceutical Products: Evidence from the European Union

The Impact of Parallel Imports on Investments in Cost-Reducing Research and Development

Transfer of Technology to Developing Countries: Unilateral and Multilateral Policy Options

Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Transfer and Exports in Developing Countries

Southern Innovation and Reverse Knowledge Spillovers in a Dynamic FDI Model

How National and International Financial Development Affect Industrial R A Test of the HOV Theorem: The Leontief Commonplace

Development-Related Biases in Factor Productivities and the HOV Model of Trade

Estimating the Knowledge-Capital Model of the Multinational Enterprise

Quantifying the Impact of Services Liberalization in a Developing Country

Regulatory Standards in the WTO: Comparing Intellectual Property Rights with Competition Policy, Environmental Protection and Core Labor Standards

Economic Perspectives on a Multilateral Agreement on Open Access to Basic Science and Technology

Developing and Distributing Essential Medicines to Developing Countries: The DEFEND Proposal

Differentiated Intellectual Property Regimes for Environmental Technologies.

360 pages, Hardcover

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