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wydawnictwo: WZ UW , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 45.00 Twoja cena  42,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Competition. Ethics. Management

I. Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics in Business
Practical dimensions of corporatc social responsibility in Poland -Maria Aluchna
Corporatc social responsibility in labor relations. Implementation of legal values as fundamental obligation of cmployer - Maciej Bernatt
About some prerequisitcs for ethics in science - Jerzy Bogdanienko
Who supervises state owned companies? Pcrsonnel policy in Polish state owned companies‘ supervisory boards - Igor Postula

II. Mitem context of management
Social and economic cohesion in the European Union - position of Poland and its regions - Janina Witkowska
Euro later - a loss or an advantage? - Alojzy Z. Nowak, Kazimierz Ryć

III. Entrepreneurship
Competitive advantage of family businesses over thcir non-family counterparts - Wojciech Popczyk
Family business development process: the role of internal and external factors -Beata Glinka, Svetlana Gudkova
Specific naturę of Polish small and medium-sized family businesses -conclusions from cmpirical studies - Łukasz Sulkowski, Andrzej Marjański

IV. Challenges of tourism policy
Strategies for development of tourism products in collaboration with tourism market entities - Zbigniew Zontek, Ewa Lipianin-Zontek
Instruments for tourism management at regional level - Aleksander Panasiuk
Tourism management and development support -Andrzej Piotr Wiatrak

208 pages, Paperback

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