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wydawnictwo: WOLTERS KLUWER , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

cena netto: 98.99 Twoja cena  94,04 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Gas market liberalization and energy security

Legal and institutional aspects

The work presents a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to the legal issues of liberalization and energy security in the gas market.

The author analyzes legal issues as well as economic and geopolitical ones which are of particular importance to Polish position in the common EU gas market, especially in the case of dependency on one main gas supplier.

The information and research findings presented in the study highlight some aspects not hitherto made lucid, while significantly influencing the issues of energy security. This relates, for example, to the free movement of goods, TPA principle (that of free and unhindered access to gas infrastructure), or to the regulation of infrastructural monopolies, including unbundling of independent system operators. The study with its interdisciplinary approach fits well with the current geopolitical situation of Poland as a significant gas importer from the Eastern direction.

The book is intended for practitioners who have influence on decision making processes in the area of liberalization of domestic energy market and the state's energy security as well as for students and legal theorists interested in the EU law institutions and economic law related to gas market. The study can also be useful for students and professors of political science and management science who want to find out more about the structure and relationships between the state and entrepreneurs in the gas market dominated by infrastructural monopolies.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1
Liberalization and energy security-definition and the scope of study
1.1 Purpose of the study and justification of its subject matter
1.2 Liberalization and energy security-definition and research questions
1.3 Research hypotheses and expected outcomes
1.4 The study structure and research sources

Chapter 2
Energy security and energy solidarity as elements of the European Union‘s common energy policy-legal and geopolitical aspects
2.1 Common energy policy of the European Union. Relations and prospects for development
2.2 Geopolitical and legal background of the EU energy security-towards a common position of the EU member states
2.3 Energy security and energy solidarity in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union as a fundamental of the EU common energy policy
2.4 Regional solidarity within the concept of energy security in the Energy Community Treaty-new dimension of the EU external energy policy?
2.5 Legal instruments for energy market harmonization and liberalization as an element of implementation of energy security policy
2.6 Conclusions

Chapter 3
Legal and institutional aspects of energy security on the Polish gas market
3.1 Energy security as a paradigm for a country‘s economic development
3.2 Energy security in a legal comparative perspective-comparison between gas and electricity markets
3.3 Geopolitical and legal background determining energy security in the Polish gas sector-shale gas as an opportunity to increase import independence?
3.4 The role of state administration in defining energy policy including objectives and the legal framework of gas market operations in Poland
3.5 Regulation No. 994/2010/EU as a legal instrument of ensuring energy security on the Polish gas market
3.6 The importance of reserves (stocks) of gas to energy security-example of "the Act on stocks"
3.7 Energy efficiency and its impact upon energy security
3.8 Conclusions

Chapter 4
Gas market liberalization as an instrument to implement energy security policy-regulatory aspects
4.1 Key legal aspects of the third energy package regarding gas market liberalization in the context of energy security
4.2 Independent system operator as an instrument of safeguarding the energy security
4.3 Free and equal access to gas infrastructure as guarantee of security of gas supply
4.4 Gas market regulation in Poland-new dimension of infrastructural sectors regulation
4.5 Independent regulatory body as gas market "supervisor" and its impact upon energy security
4.6 Conclusions

General conclusions


270 pages, Hardcover

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