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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

cena netto: 63.14 Twoja cena  59,98 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Adjustment of Polish Economy to the EU Requirements

Introduction 7
Mirosława Klamut
Adjustments in the enhancement of functional integration in Europe 9
Jan Borowiec
The monetary policy in the light of the requirements of Economic and Monetary Union 33
Bernadeta Baran
The process of budgetary adjustments to the requirements of the Economic and Monetary Union 60
Krzysztof Biegun
Poland’s approach to exchange rate regime in the course of the country’s integration with the euro zone 83
Jarosław Czaja
Adapting the Polish tax system to EU requirements 106
Ewa Szostak
Adjustments towards intelligent development in the European Union and in Poland 132
Leszek Cybulski
Adjustments of the labour market to the EU standards 160
Joanna Jahn
Human capital in Poland against the background of European Union countries 194
Iwo Augustyński
Changes in the structure of state aid in Poland 219
Łukasz Olipra
Adjustments of the Polish economy to the European Union requirements. Adjustment and development of the transport sector 241
Andrzej Jan Kras
Poland’s adjustment to the European Union standards in the area of public access to information in environmental matters 270

291 pages, Paperback

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