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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

cena netto: 44.66 Twoja cena  42,43 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Innovation Sources of Economies in Eastern Asia

PN 256


Part 1. International trade as a factor of innovation in Asian economies

Jerzy Dudziński, Jarosław Narękiewicz, Iwona Wasiak: Price movements in the international trade and Asian developing countries’ exports
Guenter Heiduk: Is innovation-based competitiveness in trade crisis- resistant? The case of China
Bartosz Michalski: Technological intensity of the international trade. The case of the second-tier Asian Tigers
Paweł Pasierbiak: Technological intensity of Japanese merchandise trade
Ewa Mińska-Struzik: Learning by exporting as a source of innovation in Asian companies

Part 2. Foreign direct investment as a source of innovation in Asian economies

Magdalena Kinga Stawicka: Economic and Technological Development Zones (ETDZ) as a place of FDI location in China
Maciej Żmuda: The determinants of Chinese outward foreign direct investment to developing countries
Tadeusz Sporek: Foreign direct investment in Nepal. Strategy and promotion
Aleksandra Kuźmińska-Haberla: Promotion of foreign direct investment. Examples from the Asia-Pacific region

Part 3. Innovativeness of network in Eastern Asia

Sebastian Bobowski, Marcin Haberla: Networked clusters in the context of knowledge-seeking strategy of international business
Jerzy Grabowiecki: Zaibatsu conglomerates as organisational innovations at the time of the modernisation of Japan’s economy
Małgorzata Wachowska: The importance of the Japanese keiretsu groups for knowledge spillover .
Małgorzata Dolińska: Network-centric innovations. The case of
Anna H. Jankowiak: Chinese industrial clusters
Karolina Łopacińska: Cultural differences in the context of managing an international corporation with a Swedish and Chinese capital

Part 4. Innovativeness of Asian financial markets

Magdalena Broszkiewicz: Innovations in corporate governance system as a necessary improvements of capital market in Japan
Jacek Pera: Modern trends in financial innovations on the Asian market. An attempt of assessment
Artur Klimek: Sovereign wealth funds in the global economy
Paweł Folfas: Dubai – an emerging and innovative offshore financial centre

226 pages, Paperback

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