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EKONOMIA 2(14)-2011

wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 64.68 Twoja cena  61,45 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Ekonomia 2(14)-2011

Bogusław Fiedor: Microeconomic and institutional forms and methods of integrated smart-growth influence of state on the economy under transformation. An attempt at the identification and classification of major instrument groups
Stanisław Kiełczewski: Let’s dust off development tracks for Europe: democracy and civilisation
Algirdas Miškinis: Doha Development Agenda and the interests of CEE countries
Jolanta Drozdz, Algirdas Miškinis: Benefits and threats of free trade
Ewa Miklaszewska: The consequences of the post-crisis regulatory architecture for the banks in Central Eastern Europe
Wiktor Szydło:Lessons of the Great Recession for the global economy and CEE countries
Jerzy Stelmach: The financial crisis and DSG E models. A critical evaluation
Radosław Kurach: Stock market integration in Central and Eastern Europe
Oscar Bajo-Rubio, Ramón María-Dolores: Exchange rate pass-through in the New Member States of the European Union. Tome explanatory factors
Katarzyna Cegiełka, Piotr Dniestrzański, Janusz Łyko, Andrzej Misztal: Degressive proportionality in the context of the composition of the European Parliament
György Attila, György Adina Cristina: Principal – agent relations in EU budget resource collecting
Vaclovas Lakis, Živile Simonaityte: The European Union structural assistance audit planning
Andrzej Czyżewski, Agnieszka Poczta-Wajda, Agnieszka Sapa: Financial transfers between Poland and the European Union within Common Agricultural Policy against the background of the New Member States’ experiences after 2004
Anna Fabisiak, Walenty Poczta: The allocation of resources from the financial perspective for the agricultural sector in countries of Central and Eastern Europe in 2007-2013
Katarzyna Kita, Walenty Poczta, Anna Ziemińska: Changes in the level and structure of the agricultural sector’s income in CEE countries as a result of the integration with the European Union
Ewa Kiryluk-Dryjska: The allocation of Polish Rural Development Program funds. The Optimization Approach
Wawrzyniec Czubak: Internal factors affecting the absorption of the Euro-Internal factors affecting the absorption of the European Union structural funds in Polish agriculture
Anna Bebel: Family policy with respect to large families in Visegrad countries
Monika Bekas: Receivables portfolio of Polish companies
Jiří Souček, Dana Kubičkova: Management of receivables in Czech companies
Jonas Mackevičius, Rasa Subaciene, Daiva Raziuniene: The recommendation for the internal audit in the Lithuanian investment sector
Jonas Mackevičius, Erika Ragauskiene: Anatomy of frauds. Types, conditions, prevention measures
Krzysztof Biernacki: Exemption of financial services in Value Added Tax
Maria Piotrowska: Polarization versus job-skill mismatch. The evidence from the relative income distribution of workers in Poland in 1998-2009
Karel Havlicek, Radim Valenčík: A game-theory-based analysis of corruption and its effects in CEE countries
Lina Novickyte, Meilute Jasiene: Banking consolidation. Challenges and prospects
Birute Galiniene, Junona Bumelyte, Ramunas Markauskas: Economic and financial impact of large scale energy efficiency programme for housing using the European Union structural funds. The case of Lithuania
Edgars Kasalis, Ivars Kassalis: Clustering in the Freeport of Riga
Dorota Wyszkowska: Poland against the background of Central and Eastern Europe. The statistical portrait of the region
Ewa Poprawska, Anna Jędrzychowska: Business cycles in the motor insurance in Poland
Izabela Łucjan: Labour market institutions as the instruments of the influence on market mechanisms
Karolina Górnik: Polish market of private banking. General characteristics and development trends
Ewa Stańczyk-Hugiet, Sylwia Stańczyk: Leadership in the context of the management process in Eastern Europe: Lithuania and Poland cases. A comparative study

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