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EKONOMIA 3(15)-2011

wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 60.00 Twoja cena  57,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Ekonomia 3(15)-2011

Bogusław Fiedor: Market failures and state failures. Market regulation versus public regulation
Jerzy Wilkin: Institutional equilibrium. What is it about and what is its role in the economy?
Marian Noga: Methodological individualism versus holism in institutional economics
Anna Ząbkowicz: Governance, government, and economic policies
Bożena Borkowska: Institutions in the context of the concepts of the economic individual
Bożena Klimczak: Defining the immaterial property rights in a digital network environment
Karol Fjałkowski: Applicability of new institutional economics in the scientific study of ideologies and religions
Tomasz Wysocki, Dominik Dziedzic: Punishment makes large-scale markets possible
Mikołaj Klimczak: Interdependence of competition theories and regulation of competition. Historical context and its implications for the institutional change illustrated by two examples
Giuseppe Calzoni: The system of income taxation and their significance for economic and social development of human societies
Jędrzej Chumiński: The importance of historical research in the institutional analysis of the Polish transformation after 1989 (based on social capital)
Barbara Polszakiewicz : Economic theory in the face of the business cycle
Witold Kwaśnicki: China, India, and the future of the global economy
Janina Godłów-Legiędź: Economics and social engineering from the perspective of the financial crisis
Marek Ratajczak: The financialization of the economy. Views from the institutional perspective
Jolanta Szapiel: Foundations of efficient supervision over the global finance market
Stanisław Rudolf: Opportunism in the activities of workers’ organizations and institutions
Rafał M. Jakubowski: The efficiency of property rights definition. The example of shaping the relationship between the homeowner and the tenant in Poland
Grażyna Wrzeszcz-Kamińska: Institutions and transactional cost of public procurements
Irena Rumianowska: The role of informal institutions in developing human – natural environment relations
Paweł Kuśmierczyk: Experimental studies of optimality and efficiency of institutional innovations in the case of auction rules used in procurement

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