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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 50.80 Twoja cena  48,26 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Mathematical Economics 7(14)

Marek Biernacki : The effectiveness of education and economic growth
Marta Borda, Wanda Ronka – Chmielowiec : The insurance market in Poland – an analysis of the current situation and development prospects
Katarzyna Cegiełka : Degressive proportionality in the European Parliament
Piotr Dniestrzański : Degressive proportionality – source, findings and discussion of the Cambridge Compromise
Wiktor Ejsmont : Varying effectiveness of teaching versus class size
Jan Florek : On some extremal problem in discrete geometry
Maria Forlicz : A comparison of the behaviour of market option prices in relation to option prices resulting from the Black - Scholes model during periods of a bull and bear market
Wojciech Gamrot : On some modification of the sum - quota sampling scheme
Albert Gardoń :The normality of financial data after an extraction of jumps in the jump - diffusion model
Stanisław Heilpern : Aggregate dependent risks – risk measure calculation
Joanna Krupowicz : Extraction of cyclical fluctuations – two methods illustrated by the example of a demographic variable
Andrzej Misztal :Adjustment function as a tool for distribution of seats in the European Parliament
Anna Nikodem-Słowikowska: The effect of common risk on group insurance
Wojciech Rybicki: Arbitrage in economics and elsewhere–facts well known and less known (three papers on arbitrage ideas, modeling and pricing –yesterday, today and tomorrow) – introduction to the series
Wojciech Rybicki: The primer on arbitrage conceptions in economics: their logics, roots and some formal models (historical and bibliographical notes)
Paweł Siarka: The issue of PD estimation –a practical approach
Paweł Siarka: Vintage analysis as a basic tool for monitoring credit risk
Agnieszka Stanimir: Analysis of nominal data –multi-way contingency table
Andrzej Wilkowski : Notes on line dependent coefficient and multiaverage

251 pages, Paperback

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