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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 71.50 Twoja cena  67,93 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Advanced Information Technologies for Management-AITM 2011

PN 205

Kenneth Brown, Helwig Schmied: Collaboration management – a visual approach to managing people and results
Joanna Bryndza: Quantitative risk analysis of IT projects
Witold Chmielarz: The integration and convergence in the information systems development – theoretical outline
Iwona Chomiak-Orsa, Michał Flieger: Computeratization as the improvement of processes in local administration offices
Iwona Chomiak-Orsa, Wiesława Gryncewicz, Maja Leszczyńska: Virtualization of the IT system implementation process on the example of Protetic4You
Paweł Chrobak: Overview of business process modelling software
Mirosław Dyczkowski: Computer- aided  economic  effectiveness   management  in applying FSM systems
Damian Dziembek: Supporting the management of a company informatics infrastructure with applications offered in the form of e-services
Krzysztof Hauke, Mieczysław L. Owoc: Properties of cloud computing for small and medium sized enterprises
Payam Homayounfar: Limitations of agile software development method in health care
Jarosław Jankowski: Compromise approach to effects-oriented web design
Arkadiusz Januszewski: Procedure of creating activity-based costing system for higher education institutions in Oros Modeler environment
Dorota Jelonek, Iwona Chomiak-Orsa:Prerequisites for business environment scanning in virtual organizations
Krzysztof Kania, RafałKozłowski: Web 2.0 tools and leadership in the context of increased interaction complexity
Jan Królikowski:Management information systems for business logistics. Guidelines for SME companies
Adam Nowicki, Leszek Ziora: Application of cloud computing solutions in enterprises. Review of selected foreign practical applications
MichałPolasik, Janusz Kunkowski: Application of contactless technology on the payment cards market
Michał Polasik, Karolina Przenajkowska, Ewa Starogarska, Krzysztof Maciejewski: Usage of mobile payments in Point-Of-Sale transactions
Małgorzata Sobińska: Chosen aspects of information management in IT outsourcing
Toma s z Turek: Selected areas of Web 2.0 technology application in partnership enterprises
Daniel Wilusz, Jarogniew Rykowski: The architecture of privacy preserving, distributed electronic health records system
Radosław Wójtowicz: The chosen aspects of real-time collaborative editing of electronic documents
Hubert Zarzycki: Enterprise Resource Planning systems selection, application, and implementation on the example of Simple.ERP software package

291 pages, Paperback

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