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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

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Informatyka Ekonomiczna 3 (25) -2012 Business Informatics


Michael Ashcroft:
Using Bayesian networks in business analytics: overview and short case study

Mirosław Dyczkowski, Tomasz Dyczkowski:
Monitoring the impact of the economic crisis on informatization strategies of Polish companies and institutions in the years 2009–2011

Michael C. Jaeger, Alberto Messina, Mirko Lorenz, Spyridon V. Gogouvitis, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Elliot K. Kolodner, Xiaomeng Su, Enver Bahar :
Content-centric storage: accessing data objects based on metadata and relationships

Gregory (Grzegorz) Kersten, Dmitry Gimon:
Concession-making in multi-bilateral negotiations and multi-attribute auctions

Jerzy Korczak, Helena Dudycz, Mirosław Dyczkowski:
Intelligent decision support for SME managers – project InKoM

Jerzy Korczak, Maciej Bac, Krzysztof Drelczuk, Aleksander Fafuła:
Multi-agent system for stock traders

Szymon Łazaruk, Jakub Dzikowski, Monika Kaczmarek, Witold Abramowicz:
Mobile and Web recommendation application in the Semantic Web paradigm. A case study

Celina M. Olszak, Kornelia Batko:
Business Intelligence systems. New chances and possibilities for healthcare organizations

Marco A. Palomino, Tim Taylor, Richard Owen, Geoff McBride:
Web-based horizon scanning: recent developments with application to health technology assessment

Małgorzata Alicja Płotka, Paweł Syty:
Good practices in requirements, project and risk management. A case study in educational IT project

Piotr Skopiński, Piotr Zaskórski:
CRM as a way to increase the efficiency of management in a virtual organization

Jadwiga Sobieska-Karpińska, Marcin Hernes:
Knowledge conflicts resolving in the multi-agent decision support system using multi-stage consensus determining

Jędrzej Wieczorkowski, Przemysław Polak:
An approach to analysis and implementation. From the waterfall model to the two-segmental model of information systems lifecycle

Ewa Ziemba, Tomasz Papaj:
Implementation of e-government in Poland with the example of the Silesian Voivodship


221 pages, Paperback

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