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wydawnictwo: POLITY PRESS , rok wydania 2014, wydanie I

cena netto: 125.60 Twoja cena  119,32 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


Once deemed a "dysfunctional" democracy with a "feckless" set of political institutions and a "drunk" economy, today's Brazil has undergone a complete reversal of fortune. Now in its third decade of democracy, the economy is blossoming and large-scale development projects are underway, including the exploitation of massive, off-shore oil reserves, a nationwide effort to modernize infrastructure, and preparations for the hosting of the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics. Inequality and poverty are reducing and even Brazil's political institutions are more governable and are producing a higher-quality democracy than most observers once thought possible. Alfred P. Montero's timely and wide-ranging book explores Brazil's amazing "turnaround" - from improvements to the working of its political institutions and judiciary, to the renewal of economic growth, the advent of innovative social policy, and the emergence of a new foreign policy agenda. Unpacking both overly optimistic as well as pessimistic views of Brazilian politics and development, Montero offers illuminating insights into the country's transformation and its increasing significance on the international stage. "This timely book is a must read for anyone looking for a nuanced understanding of Brazil's political, economic and social development over the last twenty years." Anthony Pereira, Director, Brazil Institute, King's College London "Brazil is the best single-volume introduction to contemporary Brazilian affairs. A seasoned observer, Montero dissects the remarkable renaissance of Brazil since the mid-1990s, asking whether recent gains in governability and human welfare are sustainable. The answer is cautiously positive, but Montero successfully highlights the many unanswered questions posed by the new Brazilian model of development." Timothy J. Power, University of Oxford "A masterful treatment of both Brazil's rise as an emerging power and its ongoing challenges of development. It will be essential reading for anyone interested in understanding how Brazil overcame its seemingly intractable barriers to economic and political development." Peter Kingstone, King's College London

288 pages, Paperback

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