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wydawnictwo: WORLD SCIENTIFIC , rok wydania 2013, wydanie I

cena netto: 579.90 Twoja cena  550,91 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Quantitative Easing as a Highway to Hyperinflation

This book addresses the topical issue of whether the current environment in the US and other major countries, where quantitative easing is used to boost the economy, is conducive to hyperinflation. This is a controversial and highly debated issue. Using both economics and history, the author challenged the view that quantitative easing will not lead to hyperinflation, and argued that hyperinflation, or at least high inflation, is likely to appear eventually. The books deals with a very important and contemporary issue of the possibility of a resurgence of hyperinflation. The book examines all of the propositions put forward for and against the eventuality of hyperinflation using illustrations based on actual and simulated data. It would be useful not only for policy makers but also for ordinary citizens.

The Concept and Measurement of Inflation;

The Causes and Consequences of Inflation;

The Phenomenon of Hyperinflation;

The History of Fiat Currency and Hyperinflation; Hyperinflationary Episodes since the 1970s;

The Current State of Affairs: Heading Towards Hyperinflation?; Concluding Thoughts.

460 pages, Hardcover

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