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wydawnictwo: WORLD SCIENTIFIC , rok wydania 2013, wydanie I

cena netto: 449.90 Twoja cena  427,41 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Euro Bonds:

Markets, Infrastructure and Trends presents the most recent developments in the Euro bond market. It discusses the problems of the Euro countries, the proposed solutions advocated by European as well as international institutions and investors. Particular emphasis is given to systemic risk and contagion as well as to specific innovative instruments such as structured financial products which protect various classes of investors. This self-contained title provides an organized and comprehensive overview of the current financial situation in Europe and accords the reader the opportunity to understand fully what is happening in the Euro financial market today, as well as some of the possible exit strategies from the crisis. It may be used as an advanced textbook by postgraduate students as well as ambitious undergraduates in finance and economics. It is also useful for non-experts in finance who wish to have an overview of problems in the Euro zone.


Trends and Developments in the Euro Bond Market;

Systemic Risk and Stability Bonds;

Bond Market Infrastructure;

Credit Rating Agencies and Relative Announcements;

Securitization Market; Market Bond Products;

Credit Derivatives Market.

250 pages, Hardcover

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