Econophysics and Physical Economics
An understanding of the behaviour of financial assets and the evolution of economies
has never been as important as today. This book looks at these complex systems from the
perspective of the physicist. So called 'econophysics' and its application to finance has
made great strides in recent years. Less emphasis has been placed on the broader subject
of macroeconomics and many economics students are still taught traditional neo-classical
economics. The reader is given a general primer in statistical physics, probability
theory, and use of correlation functions. Much of the mathematics that is developed is
frequently no longer included in undergraduate physics courses.
The statistical physics of Boltzmann and Gibbs is one of the oldest disciplines within
physics and it can be argued that it was first applied to ensembles of molecules as
opposed to being applied to social agents only by way of historical accident. The authors
argue by analogy that the theory can be applied directly to economic systems comprising
assemblies of interacting agents. The necessary tools and mathematics are developed in a
clear and concise manner. The body of work, now termed econophysics, is then developed.
The authors show where traditional methods break down and show how the probability
distributions and correlation functions can be properly understood using high frequency
data. Recent work by the physics community on risk and market crashes are discussed
together with new work on betting markets as well as studies of speculative peaks that
occur in housing markets. The second half of the book continues the empirical approach
showing how by analogy with thermodynamics, a self-consistent attack can be made on
This leads naturally to economic production functions being equated to entropy
functions - a new concept for economists. Issues relating to non-equilibrium naturally
arise during the development and application of this approach to economics. These are
discussed in the context of superstatistics and adiabatic processes. As a result it does
seem ultimately possible to reconcile the approach with non-equilibrium systems, and the
ideas are applied to study income and wealth distributions, which with their power law
distribution functions have puzzled many researchers ever since Pareto discovered them
over 100 years ago.
1. Introduction ;
2. Reading financial data ;
3. Basics of probability ;
4. Time dependent processes and the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation ;
5. The Langevin approach to modelling Brownian motion ;
6. The Brownian motion model of asset prices ;
7. Generalized diffusion processes and the Fokker-Planck equation ;
8. Derivatives and options ;
9. Asset fluctuations and scaling ;
10. Models of asset fluctuations ;
11. Risk ;
12. Why markets crash ;
13. Two non-financial markets ;
14. An introduction to physical economics ;
15. Laws of physical economics ;
16. Markets ;
17. A simple model of trade ;
18. Production and economic growth ;
19. Economics and entropy ;
20. Approaches to non-equilibrium economics ;
21. The distribution of wealth in society ;
22. Conclusions and outlook
272 pages. Hardback