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wydawnictwo: ROUTLEDGE , rok wydania 2013, wydanie I

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Individual and Team Skill Decay

Skill and knowledge retention is a major issue and concern in learning and skill acquisition, especially when trained or acquired skills (or knowledge) are needed after long periods of nonuse. The goal of this book is to summarize and advance the thinking of critical issues related to skill retention and decay in the context of individual and team training on complex tasks. This volume will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the fields of industrial and organizational psychology, human factors, organizational behavior, and human resources management.

This edited book is a 'must have volume' for those interested in skill decay and interventions to reduce it. Skill decay results in performance decrements on delay retention and transfer tasks. The focus of the book on individual and team skill decay in complex domains is unique and valuable . The excellent chapters in the book offer both breadth and depth on the subject of skill decay and ways to reduce it. --Harold F ONeil, Professor of Educational Psychology and Technology, Rossier School of Education/CRESST, University of Southern California

Section 1: Introduction and Foundational Issues 1. Introduction Winfred Arthur, Jr., Eric Anthony Day 2. Remembering and forgetting: From the laboratory looking out Scott D. Gronlund, Daniel R. Kimball 3. Complex command-and-control simulation task performance following periods of nonuse Anton J. Villado, Eric Anthony Day, Winfred Arthur, Jr., Paul R. Boatman, Vanessa Kowollik, Alok Bhupatkar, Winston Bennett, Jr. 4. Factors influencing knowledge and skill decay in organizational training: A meta-analysis Xiaoqian Wang, Eric Anthony Day, Vanessa Kowollik, Matthew J. Schuelke, Michael G. Hughes 5. Variance as an indicator of training effectiveness in the context of complex skill acquisition, retention, and transfer Ira Schurig, Winfred Arthur, Jr., Eric Anthony Day, David J. Woehr

Section 2: Individual Skill Retention and Transfer on Complex Task with Extended nonuse Intervals, the Factors that Influence it, and how Skill Decay can be Mitigated 6. Improving military readiness: Evaluation and prediction of performance to optimize training effectiveness Tiffany S. Jastrzembski, Antoinette M. Portrey, Brian T. Schreiber, Kevin A. Gluck 7. Training for efficient, durable, and flexible performance in the military Alice F. Healy, Erica L. Wohldmann, James A. Kole, Vivian I. Schneider, Kathleen M. Shea, Lyle E. Bourne, Jr. 8. Complex movement sequences: How the sequence structure affects learning and transfer Charles H. Shea, Attila J. Kovacs 9. Use of, reaction to, and efficacy of observation rehearsal training: Enhancing skill retention on a complex command-and-control simulation task Anton J. Villado, Eric Anthony Day, Winfred Arthur, Jr., Paul R. Boatman, Vanessa Kowollik, Alok Bhupatkar, Winston Bennett, Jr. 10. Skill decay, re-acquisition training and transfer studies in the Swedish Air Force: A retrospective review Erland Svensson, Maud Angelborg-Thanderz, Jonathan Borgvall, Martin Castor 11. Relating individual differences in ability, personality, and motivation to the retention and transfer of skill on a complex command-and-control simulation task Eric Anthony Day, Winfred Arthur, Jr., Anton J. Villado, Paul R. Boatman, Vanessa Kowollik, Alok Bhupatkar, Winston Bennett, Jr. 12. Individual difference variables as predictors of error during multitasking training Elizabeth M. Poposki, Frederick L. Oswald

Section 3: Skill Decay and Retention at the Team Level 13. A comparative investigation of individual and team skill retention and transfer on a complex command-and-control simulation task Winfred Arthur, Jr., Eric Anthony Day, Anton J. Villado, Ryan M. Glaze, Matthew J. Schuelke, Paul R. Boatman, Vanessa Kowollik, Xiaoqian Wang, Winston Bennett, Jr. 14. Retention of team coordination skill Nancy J. Cooke, Jamie C. Gorman, Jasmine Duran, Christopher Myers, Dee Andrews 15. Team performance decay: Why does it happen and how to avoid it? Deborah DiazGranados, Elizabeth Lazzara, Rebecca Lyons, Samuel R. Wooten, Eduardo Salas Section 4: Summary 16. A Look aFarr (1987): The Past, Present, and Future of Applied Skill Decay Research Winfred Arthur, Jr., Eric Anthony Day

464 pages, Paperback

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