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wydawnictwo: LEARNING MATTERS , rok wydania 2013, wydanie III

cena netto: 134.50 Twoja cena  127,78 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Social Work with Drug, Alcohol and Sustance Misusers

It has long been recognised that clients with addiction problems need a skilled and thoughtful response when they come into contact with social services. This fully-revised edition will help students to cultivate these skills with sections on anti-oppressive practice and a focus on service user empowerment. Case studies and reflective exercise will focus the student on this holistic approach while underpinning key learning objectives. With a new focus on social work practice with alcohol misusers, this third edition provides a firm foundation for the skills required when working with people with drug and substance addictions.


The links between social work practice and working with substance-misusing clients

The nature and extent of drug taking in the United Kingdom

The history, legislative changes and key policy documents involved in the field of substance misuse

What is known about drug misusers and drug offenders and the drugs commonly used?

Policy changes and substance misuse Developments since the change to a coalition government and the problems of alcohol

Professional practice issues and approaches Conclusion

184 pages, Paperback

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