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wydawnictwo: C.H.BECK , rok wydania 2013, wydanie I

cena netto: 115.20 Twoja cena  109,44 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Professional Legal Ethics in theory and case studies

This book answers the need for a compendium of ethics for legal professionals.

The authors' agenda was to provide lawyers with an instrument useful at specific stages of their career:

  • during legal studies, 

  • post-graduate training, 

  • and fully professional legal practice. 

The norms for particular legal professions are presented in an innovative way; instead of traditional commentary of the cited norms, they are illustrated by examples of professional misconduct with a fully designed scenario for a class activity focused on a relevant case. Such an illustration is combined with the introduction of numerous interactive teaching methods which can be used in various courses related to legal studies.

The book facilitates getting to know the norms and principles of legal professional conduct, presents similarities and differences between legal professions, and allows to better understand the social roles that lawyers play in society. In addition, the volume gives a quick and easy access to numerous rulings of disciplinary courts.

List of abbreviations

Recommended literature

Preface to the English edition


Chapter 1. Introductory issues
1. The notions of ethics and morality
2. Ethics as a philosophical discipline
3. The dispute over the meaning of the most fundamental concepts in moral discourse
4. Axiological objectivism and subjectivism
5. Absolutism and relativism in ethics
6. The ethics of responsibility and the ethics of duty
7. A dispute over the criterion of moral assessment
Chapter 2. The history of ethics - A review in charts
Chapter 3. Professional Ethics as a normative system
1. Profession, occupation, independent professions, professions of public trust
2. Professional ethics as a social role
3. The status of codes of professional ethics
4. The principles of ethics for advocates and legal advisers
5. The principles of judicial ethics
6. Ethical principles for prosecutors
7. The principles of ethics for notaries
Chapter 4. Professional ethics in legal clinics
1. Student legał clinics
2. Ethical reąuirements in clinical practice
3. A project of the model code of ethical conduct in academic legal clinics

PART II. Active methods of teaching legał ethics
The carpet of ideas
Arguments - yours and mine
The open ear
The priority pyramid
Problem solving
Pro-and-con arguments
A case study
The decision tree
Six thinking hats
Panel discussion
Amarketplace of opinions
The onion
The "circept" orthe mind graph
A debatę
Drawing cards
The fish bowl
The fishbone
Dispute with group support
Discussion 66
The snowball
"May I speak, please"

PART III. Codes of conduct for legal professionals
Chapter I. Introduction
1. General issues
2. Methodological issues
Chapter 2. A code of professional conduct for judges
Chapter 3. Code of ethical conduct for prosecutors
Chapter 4. A code of professional ethics and professional dignity for advocates (Code of conduct for advocates)
Chapter 5. Code of ethical conduct for legal advisers
Chapter 6. Sample scenarios in the context of judicial decisions given by disciplinary courts in cases against notaries
Chapter 7. Standards for services in legal clinics
Chapter 8. Revision tasks

462 pages, Paperback

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