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wydawnictwo: WYD PW , rok wydania 2018, wydanie I

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Sustainable Management — Marketing Perspective. Essence, Determinants and Manifestations

The reviewed work, according to its author, aims to „start a discussion on the innovative approach to management, which will lead to the reorientation of management activities so that they take into account the concept of sustainability as a new management imperative”. (…) The author recognizes contemporary challenges for business management in the conditions of the new economy and globalization. The review of the theory and practice of management presented in the work is the starting point for the indication of the need to change the paradigm of Foreword functioning of modern enterprises and to seek the relationship between sustainability (including in particular marketing) and their market success.
The publication may be really useful in the education of contemporary managers. (…) The study contains wide, comprehensive and state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of management in modern economy and marketing as an organization’s activity. (…) The reviewed monograph, after minor formal changes, can successfully fill the gap in knowledge in the field of social and ethical responsibility of enterprises and managers, in particular in the field of marketing. It can become a valuable position recommended to students of management, but also at numerous postgraduate programs in management and marketing as well as MBA studies.

Foreword                               . . 7
Introduction                              . . 9
Chapter 1. The essence of sustainable management             . 13
1. Conditions                              .   13
2. Towards responsibility                         . 20
2.1. Business ethics in the world without borders               21
2.2. Social responsibility                        . 26
3. The essence of sustainable management                  27
4. Challenges facing sustainable management                 . 31

Chapter 2. The role and place of marketing in the concept of management of sustainable enterprise                    . 41
1. The prerequisite of responsible marketing is trust-based relationships       42
2. Evolution of marketing towards sustainability                . 45
3. Ethical aspects of marketing                       . 47
4. Marketing inspired by social responsibility                 . 48
5. Sustainable marketing – a necessity resulting from the development of the global economy                               51
6. Towards sustainable marketing                      . 53
7. Development of the theory of sustainable marketing              56
8. Consumption as a challenge for sustainable marketing             58
9. The art of marketing as the art of building a brand that communicates sustainable   values                               69
9.1. Attributes of a sustainable brand                    69
9.2. Brand image                           . 70
9.3. Perceived brand value                        71
9.4. Brand awareness                          72
9.5. Brand loyalty                           . 74
9.6. Brand communication                        76

Chapter 3. Responsible leadership as a prerequisite for implementing sustainable management                      . 78
1. Features of an outstanding leader                     . 80
2. Social responsibility and ethics of the leader                 86
3. Responsibility of the leader in ethical and emotional dimensions         88

Epilogue                                . 91

100 pages, Paperback

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