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wydawnictwo: WOLTERS KLUWER , rok wydania 2019, wydanie I

cena netto: 145.10 Twoja cena  137,85 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Integrity of administrative law

Polish perspective

This is the first book on the market which concerns integrity of administrative law.

The issue is topical both in theory and in practice of this field, however, it has not been the subject of discussion in scientific literature so far. The book is the compilation of authorial views presented by the academics of the Department of Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

The publication discusses, among others, the following problems:

– the substance and types of integrity of the Polish administrative law,
– elements fostering the internal integration of the said law and obstacles to such integration,
– issues in the borderland of administrative and civil law as well as administrative and criminal law,
– relationships between administrative law and the law of the European Union and constitutional law,
– the phenomenon of expansion and withdrawal of administrative law.

Th e book may be of interest to judges of administrative and civil courts, public administration offi cers, students of law and administration, advocates and attorneys-at-law. 

Abbreviations | p. 9

Introduction (Jan Zimmermann) | p. 11

Integrity and Borderland of Administrative Law | p. 15

Chapter 1
Substance and Types of the Integrity of Polish Administrative Law (Przemysław Wszołek) | p. 17

Chapter 2
Substance and Functions of the Borderland of Polish Administrative Law (Mariusz Kotulski) | p. 39

Internal Integrity of Administrative Law | p. 55

Chapter 3
Elements Fostering the Internal Integration of Administrative Law (Theoretical Perspective) (Wojciech Jakimowicz) | p. 57

Chapter 4
Elements Fostering the Internal Integration of Administrative Law (Perspective of Positive Law) (Iwona Niżnik-Dobosz) | p. 73

Chapter 5
Obstacles to the Internal Integration of Administrative Law (Theoretical Perspective) (Aleksandra Puczko) | p. 97

Chapter 6
Obstacles to the Internal Integration of Administrative Law (Perspective of Positive Law) (Joanna Lemańska) | p. 123

External Integrity of Administrative Law | p. 141

Chapter 7
Boundaries and Borderland of Administrative Law (Mariusz Oleś) | p. 143

Chapter 8
Administrative Law and Constitutional Law (Joanna Człowiekowska) | p. 166

Chapter 9
Borderland Between Administrative Law and Civil Law (Ewa Skorczyńska) | p. 186

Chapter 10
Borderland Between Administrative Law and Criminal Law (Dorota Dąbek) | p. 220

Chapter 11
Administrative Law and Fields which Emerged Therefrom (Piotr Dobosz) | p. 241

Chapter 12
Administrative Law and the EU Law (Marta Kisielowska) | p. 258

Chapter 13
Expansion and Withdrawal of Administrative Law: Aggressiveness or Defensiveness? (Mariusz Krawczyk) | p. 277

Summary (Jan Zimmermann) | p. 301
References | p. 319
Regulations | p. 341
Case law | p. 345

352 pages, Hardcover

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