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wydawnictwo: C.H.BECK , rok wydania 2006, wydanie I

cena netto: 32.00 Twoja cena  30,40 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Pocket Business Dictionary which contains more than 8000 entries is the ideal guide for everyone with an interest in the world of business, whether for study or at work. Selection of entries has been based on the author's Dictionary of Business Terms with intention to be useful and informative to a wide range of Readers and especially to the numerous groups of persons seeking job in the English-spoken countries.

Roman Kozierkiewicz - absolwent SGPiS (obecnie SGH), stypendysta Delhi School of Economics, doradca w firmie International Development Group w Waszyngtonie, tłumacz i autor słowników terminologii gospodarczej oraz artykułów z zakresu finansów i handlu zagranicznego.

Roman Kozierkiewicz - graduate from Central School of Planning and Statistics (presently the Warsaw School of Economics), scholarship holder of the Delhi School of Economics, advisor to the International Development Group in Washington, translator and author of economic terminology dictionaries and articles on finance and foreign trade.

356 stron/pages, miękka oprawa/paperback

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