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wydawnictwo: ADAM MARSZAŁEK , rok wydania 2015, wydanie I

cena netto: 35.90 Twoja cena  34,11 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Aspects of contemporary Asia. Culture, education, ethics

This volume consitutes a compendium of a number of important issues. It is also a rich sourence of knowledge on culture and education. I strongly believe that the book will be a valuable supplement to the existing body of literature in this research field. Our intention was to prepare a publication which will be attractive for a wide circle of readers, thus, both for scholars, social activists and politicians, and for students, especially those studying social sciences and fascinated by contemporary Asia. We hope that the book will be well received and will become an inspiration for a broad and fruitful discussion on the above issue.

Joanna Marszałek - Kawa

Joanna Marszałek-Kawa


Sevda Akhundova
Azerbaijani medieval philosophy
Julia A. Krajcarz
The artistic richness of Azerbaijani mosques
Magdalena Lewicka
European patterns versus Muslim political tradition in the Arab reformist ideas in the 19th century
Tatiana Bernyukevich
The presence of “Buddhist regions” as an important factor of Buddhist ideas reception in Russia
Beata Pietkiewicz-Pareek
The situation of street children in India
Marta Jaworska
An invented tradition as an example of the identity  markers in the case of Japanese weddings and funeral rituals
Ayur Zhanaev
“Blood relation” category as a social metaphor  in Buryat culture
Michał Lubina
Aung San Suu Kyi and the role of women in Burmese system of power
Karolina J.Helnarska
South and East Asia in the foreign cultural policy of France

Bartosz Płotka
Bioethics and biopolitics in the Islamic culture.
Political and legal control over reproduction on the example of debate upon human cloning
Agata Strządała
Cultural aspects of organ donation: Examples from China, Pakistan, Egypt, and the United States of America
Łukasz Dominiak
Sex-selective abortion and the theory of identity: The case of India


Stanisław Juszczyk
Equity and quality in education of chosen Asian countries
Nurbubu Asipova
Transformation processes in contemporary Kyrgyzstan and their impact on the socio-psychological formation of youth
Ewa  K.Świętek
Aesthetics and direction of changes within contemporary Chinese calligraphy
Kazimierz Pierzchała
The interdisciplinary approach of contemporary rehabilitation theories in Poland in the context of global issue


290 pages, Paperback

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