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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2014, wydanie I

cena netto: 58.80 Twoja cena  55,86 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Local and Regional Economy in Theory and Practice

PN 334


Beata Bal-Domańska: Convergence of Central and Eastern European regions – spatial aspect

Barbara Dańska-Borsiak: The determinants of migration outflows from Polish sub-regions in both internal movement and abroad – identification and comparison

Anna Golejewska:  Rethinking regional competitiveness. The role of productivity

Małgorzata Golińska-Pieszyńska: Intellectual capital as an important element of knowledge management

Piotr Hajduga: Special economic zones in the Lower Silesia region as a regional development stimulator during the crisis

Petr Hlaváček: Analysis of the development processes of the city of Ústí nad Labem as an example of the social and economic transformation of cities in the Czech Republic

Anna Jasińska-Biliczak, Jan Buleca: Participation of economic self- government in the process of the promotion of entrepreneurship – case study of Poland, Germany and Slovakia

Małgorzata Karczewska: Diversity of the gross expenditure on R&D in GDP by sources of funds in Poland against the background of the European Union

Artur J. Kożuch, Janusz Sasak, Kamilla Noworól: Target costing and participatory budget in Territorial Self-Government Units

Alina Kulczyk-Dynowska: National park as an element fostering the sustainable development of the region – the example of the Tatra municipalities

Iwona Ładysz: The regional dimension of economic security in the age of globalisation using the example of the Lower Silesian Voivodship

Krzysztof Malik: Smart specialisation and Key Enabling Technologies in the New Regional Development Policy

Štefan Marsina, Pavol Oravský: Utilization of geothermal energy as a renewable source

Anna Mazurek-Kusiak, Julia Wojciechowska-Solis: Noticeability and effectiveness of tourism promotion in Lublin province

Grygorii Monastyrskyi, Tetyana Monastyrska: Modernization of local self-government in Ukraine

Alicja Olejnik: Prospects and frontiers of Multidimensional Panel Spatial Autoregressive Models

Pavol Oravský, Štefan Marsina: Infrastructure of energetics and its diversification

Alina Piątyszek-Pych: The cluster development policy in Poland

Zbigniew Piepiora: Occurrence of natural disasters in Africa and international cooperation in the field of counteracting their effects

Renata Pisarek: The importance of passenger air transport and high-speed rail for regional development

Małgorzata Rogowska: The quality of public space in the development of urban areas

Joanna Szafran: Public-private partnership in Poland and the European Union

Ewelina Szczech: Is there a creative city in Poland? Defining and measuring the concept in Poland

Andrzej Sztando: Twelve rules for the construction of planning documents prepared by self-government units

Maciej Turała: Institutional capacity in Polish communes. Strategic, financial and spatial planning dimension

Alla Vasina: Management of the investment potential of Ukraine’s regions in the process of regional structural policy realization

Svitlana Veleshchuk: Strategic development of the region in the context of the branding concept

Marcin Bogdański, Wioletta Wierzbicka: Socio-economic potential of Polish voivodship cities

Marcelina Zapotoczna, Joanna Cymerman: Application of selected synthetic measures in the assessment of the level of satisfied  housing needs in Poland


316 pages, Paperback

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