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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2014, wydanie I

cena netto: 39.96 Twoja cena  37,96 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


1 Basic distributions 
1.1 Discrete random variables      
1.2 Continuous random variables      
1.2.1 Normal distribution
1.2.2 Log-normal distribution 
1.2.3 Chi-square distribution  
1.2.4 Student distribution    
1.3 Distribution of the sum of independent normal random variables 
1.4 Exercises    

2 Basic notions of statistics 
2.1 Definitions and examples  
2.2 Exercises     

3 Chebyshev's inequality and the law of large numbers 
3.1 Chebyshev’s inequality     
3.2 The law of large numbers 
3.3 Exercises     

4 Central limit theorem 
4.1 Exercises   

5 Parameter estimation 
5.1 Point estimation  
5.2 Constructions of estimators   
5.2.1 Method of moments  
5.2.2 Method of maximum likelihood  
5.3 Exercises    
5.4 Interval estimation     
5.5 Exercises      

6 Hypothesis testing 
6.1 Testing mean  
6.2 Exercises   
6.3 Testing variance    
6.4 Exercises    
6.5 Testing two means    
6.6 Testing two variances   
6.7 Exercises    
6.8 Testing non-parametric hypotheses   
6.8.1 The chi-square test for consistency    
6.8.2 The ? -Kolmogorov test for consistency   
6.9 Testing independence   
6.10 Exercises    

95 psges, Paperback

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