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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2013, wydanie I

cena netto: 47.00 Twoja cena  44,65 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Economy end Space

PN 324

Preface  7
Marcin Baron, Artur Ochojski: The cluster of clusters concept in the perspective of regional policy-making and business practice  9
Jacek Chądzyński: Cooperation between communities and non-governmental organizations in Poland – results of a survey . 27
Niki Derlukiewicz: Prospects for innovation development in the European Union according to the new Europe 2020 strategy . 37
Paweł Dziekański: Financial synthetic index and the economic security of the region in the context of local government efficiency  46
Dariusz Głuszczuk: The enterprise financial sources and expenditure for innovation – case of Polish regions . 62
Magdalena Kalisiak-Mędelska: Some aspects of public administration reforms in Poland after 1989 – the revenue autonomy of local governments . 70
Magdalena Łyszkiewicz: Cost assessment in the delivery of municipal services . 82
Anna Mempel-Śnieżyk: Smart specialisation and clusters in economic growth 92
Katarzyna Miszczak: Contemporary spatial planning and case of Poland . 104
Mirosława Marzena Nowak: Place of dairy cooperatives in the regional development: case of Łódzkie voivodship, Poland . 117
Monika Szymura: Protection of authors’ rights in knowledge-based market economy   136
Teresa Topczewska, Waldemar Siemiński: Integrated urban development planning at the regional level in Poland 144
Mehmet Topcu: Impacts of gated housing estates on housing values: Case of Konya, Turkey 155
Alicja Zakrzewska-Półtorak: Metropolization of the Polish space and its implications for regional development  167

175 pages, Paperback

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