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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2013, wydanie I

cena netto: 49.50 Twoja cena  47,03 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Economical and Political Interrelations in the Asia-Pacific Region

PN 294

Introduction 7

Katarzyna Żukrowska: Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region – effects of division of labour 9
Jerzy Dudziński, Jarosław Narękiewicz: Export growth paths in selected Asian countries in the 21st century. 24
Magdalena Broszkiewicz: The level of development of corporate governance standards in selected Asian countries – a contribution of Pacific Economic Cooperation Council 34
Łukasz Fijałkowski: Securitization of non-traditional security issues in Southeast Asia. The evaluation of the concept 45
Grzegorz Mazur: The European Union and Japan – on the way to a free trade agreement 55
Artur Klimek: Economic outcomes of the BRICS initiative. 65
Iwona Pawlas: The evaluation of trade relations between Poland and China 76
Ewa Trojnar: ECFA and its implications for China-Taiwan relations. 88
Bartosz Michalski: Cooking a bowl of Asian noodles with a soupçon of Singapore. An overview of Singapore’s strategic motives for (cross-)regional trade agreements. 98
Anna Wróbel: Bilateralism in the Asia-Pacific Region – the case of the Republic of Korea 113
Marcin Nowik: Colombo Plan – from India’s initiative on foreign assistance to regional organisation in Asia and the Pacific 122
Paweł Pasierbiak: Evolution of macroeconomic competitiveness of South Korea in the 21st century 132
Maciej Żmuda: The government perspective on Chinese outward foreign direct investment. 144
Tadeusz Sporek: Review of the investment policy of Nepal. 154
Agnieszka Kukułka, Ewa Mińska-Struzik: Natural disasters and trade linkages in Asia – the case of Indonesia 163

173 pages, Paperback

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