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wydawnictwo: UE POZNAŃ , rok wydania 2006, wydanie I

cena netto: 46.20 Twoja cena  43,89 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


Transition, which is performed in the large part of Europe is an ultimate challenge both for politicians or economists. When it begun, there was no suitable theory of transition that might be applied to the Central Europe. The mainstream economics was created by the Anglo-Saxon economy and did not consider other than free market economic system, though the specific institutional circumstances were assumed. The centrally planned economies were studied mostly by the sovietologists, who concentrated on detecting the weaknesses of this system and not on the finding an optimal path of transition. Before 1989 attempting to interpret the Western theory from the "real socialism's" point of view was a pure supposition. Right after 1989 another problem arise: is it possible to apply the Western theory to the transition countries? Many economists state that there is a consensus between the need for application and search for new thoughts. Obviously, the mainstream economics is constantly compared with the Central Euro-pean reality to trace out the essential conclusions about the way the economic policy should be conducted.

The presented book is prepared by an international team, mostly connected to the Poznań University of Economics, but the contributors represent also Universities in Maribor, Utrecht, Warsaw, and Poznań. As mentioned above, this collection of papers is a good example of the creative use of mainstream economics the Authors re-interpret and adapt the contemporaneous economics to explain the Central European reality. An additional purpose was to interpret the problem Money and Transition via fiscal phenomena. Thus, a part of this book is devoted to central budget, policy mix, and coordination of the monetary and fiscal policy.

184 pages, Hardcover

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