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wydawnictwo: UE POZNAŃ , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

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At the end of the first decade of the 21st century the world faced a global economic crisis, caused by a collapse of fi nancial markets.

It brought about problems for individual world economies and consequently – global threats to development. The occurrences triggered a widespread discussion on the reasons, potential consequences and ways out of the critical situation. A predominant role in the debate is played by economists who draw attention to different aspects of the crisis, such as: the need of introducing institutional changes to prevent similar occurrences in the future, corrections in market institutions’ operation models and the role of economics in designing economic life.

Nevertheless, issues related to the economic crisis call for a broader, interdisciplinary research perspective. Social, ethical, psychological, culture – and political studies-oriented analyses can contribute in a signifi cant way to understanding of the ensuing occurrences and their consequences for functioning of socio-economic systems. This is why an analysis of the economic crisis should fundamentally concern research on economic issues together with the relevant social problems. The present volume can be located within the scope of research on social aspects of economic life. It refers to some aspects of the economic crisis and is an attempt to answer a few signifi cant questions concerning the perspectives of constructing economic and social order. It addresses crisis-related issues in two scopes – general and specific.

Introduction 5

Halina Zboroń
Economic Thought versus Economic Crisis 7
Barbara Pogonowska
A Global Ethical Reflection in the Age of Economic Crisis 27
Grażyna Krzyminiewska
Economic Crisis versus the World's Social Development 39
Włodzimierz Kaczocha
Designing Strategies and Scopes of National Policy in Social and Economic Development 55
Henryk Januszek, Katarzyna Szuławy
Temporary Work as an Unusual Form of Employment in the State of Crisis 72
Natalia Krzyżanowska
Crisis and Gender: a Social Perspective 93
Karolina Nowak
Is Change in Interpersonal Interaction and Communication a Social Consequence of the Ćontemporary Crisis? The Problem Presented from the Perspective of Cultural Studies 117
Andrzej Przymeński
Housing Assistance for Economically Underprivileged People and Households versus the Crisis of Public Debt in Poland 134
Jan Sikora
Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union in the Opinion of Country Dwellers. Hope or Disappointment? 157

179 pages,Paperback

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