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wydawnictwo: CEUW , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

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On the Road to the European Union. Applicant Countries' Perspective

Table of contents

Foreword, Alojzy Z.Nowak
Director of the Warsaw University Centre for Europe

Letter of the President of the Republic of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski

Letter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz

Conference "Adaptation capabilities of the economies of the EU applicant countries" (organized on the occasion of tenth anniversary of the Warsaw University Center for Europe), 27-28 September, 2002


Alojzy Z.Nowak
European Union - an opportunity for Poland?

Andras Inotai
Impact of the EU accession on the economic co-operation among the new Member States

Jan Borkowski
Position of Poland and other applicant countries in future European Union

Zofia Wysokińska
Adaptation of the Polish industrial enterprises to the European internal market's norms and standards

Andrzej Stępniak, Stanisław Umiński
Strategy of Poland's entry into the euro zone

Mikołaj Herbst, Karol Olejniczak
The cross-border co-operation and local development. Three cases in Eastern Poland border regions

Janusz Świerkocki
Economic aspects of purchasing real estate by foreigners in Poland


Stephan Hobe
Eastern enlargement and the European Constitution

Patricia Conlan
Enlargement: reflecting on some Irish experiences of membership. Sovereignty of the people: the Nice referendum in context

Javier Roldán Barbero
Spanish experiences in the European Union - lesson for Poland

Goran Lysén
The day after: is there always a "hangover"?

Waldemar Hoff
Regulatory authorities in the European Union and in Poland

Hanna Machińska
Implementation process of the Community environmental law in the internal legal system of the State: challenges for Poland

Jana Planavová-Latanowicz
The Lugano Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters in relation to arbitration - conclusions for Polish administration of justice


Stanisław Parzymies
Eastward enlargement of the European Union and its consequences for international security

Andrzej Harasimowicz
Eastern policy of the enlarged European Union

Bogdan Goralczyk
Political dilemmas behind the EU Eastern enlargement

Dariusz Milczarek
After the EU and NATO Eastward enlargement - what kind of a new European order? Polish point of view

Artur Adamczyk
Balance of power inside the European Union. Implications for Poland

Olga Barburska
Gender and political representation: experiences of the EU Member States and Poland


Krzysztof Wielecki
Community, the crisis of post-industrialism and perspectives for European integration

Michel Maslowski
The future of cultural identities in united Europe

Zofia Sokolewicz
Polish debate on European Christian values. Some thoughts on marginal issues of Poland's negotiations for membership of the European Union

Kazimierz Krzysztofek
European Union and Polish civilisation challenges

Dorota Jurkiewicz-Eckert
The Polish contribution to the common cultural heritage in Europe. The international initiative of Polish avant-garde artists between 1929 and 1939 in the Museum of Art in Lodz

Warsaw University Centre for Europe Progress Report

Publications of the Publishing Programme of the Warsaw University Centre for Europe

List of contributors

429 pages

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