Table of Contents
A. Coskun Samli
The Second Wave of Globalization: Problems and Prospects
Dariusz Milczarek
European Union and Globalization - General Aspects
Juan Pablo Stegmann
An Integrative Approach of Business Strategy based on Stock Value Creation, Knowledge
Creation, Growth and Monopoly Power
Alojzy Z. Nowak, Kazimierz
Savings During the Period of Transformation
John R. Patton
Privacy Laws and Global Trade: the European Union and the United States Agree on
'Safe-harbor Principles'
Michael Donohoe, Jeffrey E.
Culture, Fraud and the Internet: Is it Possible to Place Controls in a Global Economy?
Sharon C. Cobb
The Use of the Internet as a Delivery Medium for Offshore Financial Services: Preliminary
Jeffrey W. Steagall, Jeffrey
E. Michelman, Earle C. Traynham
Creating an International Trilateral MBA Program
Paul M. Mason, Michael M.
Fabritius, Natalia Sinyavskaya
A Comparison of International Unemployment Rates: Differential Values of Leisure Time
A.Coskun Samli, Juraj Ciz
The Threat of International Industrial Espionage
Artur Adamczyk
Prospects for Creating Coalitions within the European Union Following Its Eastern
Olga Barburska
Evolution of the European Union Policy in the Field of Equality between Women and Men:
from Economic and Social to Political Dimension
Dorota Jurkiewicz-Eckert
The "Common Cultural Area". A New Political Tool of European Integration or a
Genuine Challenge for Enlarged Europe?
Cheryl Van Deusen,
Carolyn B. Mueller, William A. Sodeman
Stadium Naming Rights: A Comparison of U.S. and European Models
Bartłomiej Nowak
Foreign Direct Investment in Petroleum Sector in Poland
Mina N. Baliamoune, Sarah K.
On the Linkages between FDI, Exports and Economic Growth in Africa
Steven K. Paulson
The Right Move Revisited: A Case Study of Aromatic Products Manufacturing in
List of Contributors
255 pages