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wydawnictwo: ISP , rok wydania 2004, wydanie I

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Table of Contents

Piotr Kazmierkiewicz

1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
1.2. Structure of the Book
1.3. Selected Online Resources

Part One: The Impact of September 11 on Internal Security in America and Europe

Jeremy Shapiro

2. The Externalization Strategy: Homeland Security in the United States
2.1. The Domestic Politics of Homeland Security in the United States
2.2. Changes in U.S. Homeland Security Policy since September 11
2.3. Externalization Strategy of U.S. Government
2.4. Implications for Transatlantic Relations

Heather Grabbe

3. The Impact of September 11 on Justice and Home Affairs in the European Union
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Initial Reaction: a New Push to Counter Terrorism
3.3. After the Crisis: Obstacles and Slowing Momentum
3.4. Firm Words, Slippery Implementation
3.5. A Single Market in Justice?
3.6. Protecting Fortress Europe
3.7. Worries about Freedoms

4. Discussion: European and transatlantic co-operation in the internal securit matters after September 11
4.1. September 11 and Popular Threat Perceptions
4.2. European Dilemmas of Sovereignty and Civil Rights
4.3. Role of Europol As a Tool for International Co-operation
4.4. Chances and Barriers to Transatlantic Co-operation
4.5. Role of Prevention in Coping with Threats
4.6. Final Remarks

Part Two: American and European Visitor and Migration Policies After September 11

Aristide R. Zolberg

5. Visitors, Immigrants and U.S. Border Security After September 11
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Screening Visitors
5.3. Internal Controls
5.4. Security Controls after the 1993 Attack
5.5. Surveilling Arabs and Muslims
5.6. Border Tightening
5.7. References and Further Reading

John Handoll

6. Terrorism and Aliens Law: EU and UK perspectives
6.1. Introduction
6.2. The European Union Perspective
6.3. The UK Response: The Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001
6.4. Conclusion

Stefanie Schmahl

7. The Impact of September 11 on German Alien Laws and Immigration Policy
7.1. Introduction
7.2. New Criminal Offences and Police Measures
7.3. Activities in the Area of Asylum and Aliens Law
7.4. The Grid Search: A Useful Method of Detecting Presumed Terrorists?
7.5. Concluding Remarks

8. Discussion: Migration and internal security - United States and European Union countries' policies after September 11
8.1. Open Borders and Vulnerability to Threats After September 11
8.2. Post-9/11 US Visitor and Immigration Policies
8.3.European Dilemmas of Security and Liberty
8.4. Final Remarks

Notes on Contributors

129 pages

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