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wydawnictwo: OXFORD UP , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

cena netto: 277.20 Twoja cena  263,34 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

What sorts of people are unemployed and why?

How safe are banks? Should we aim to have no pollution?

Why do wages vary so much?

Are your students interested in debating the answers to these sorts of questions?

This book is.

A refreshingly concise, focused, and straightforward text, Economics covers only essential introductory topics, thereby ensuring that students will not be overwhelmed by unnecessary content. Author David King uses exceptionally clear and engaging explanations--which are also relevant to students' experiences--to make both simple and more complex topics easily understandable. Innovative pedagogy--including "recap" features and convenient summary sections--allows students to peruse the material as desired without sacrificing any understanding of the topics covered.

Economics is accompanied by a Companion Website containing student resources: multiple-choice questions, related links, a flashcard glossary, and solutions to questions in the text. It also provides a test bank, figures from the text, and PowerPoint-based lecture slides for instructors.

Table of Contents

Part One: Introduction to Economics
1. The Nature of Economics
2. Scarcity, Governments and Economics

Part Two: Microeconomics
3. Supply and Demand
4. Elasticity of Demand and Supply
5. Governments and Markets
6. Household Behavior
7. Introducing the Theory of the Firm
8. Production Functions and Methods
9. Perfect Competition
10. Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition
11. Oligopoly
12. Governments, Monopolies and Oligopolies
13. Governments and Resource Allocation
14. Markets for Labor
15. Land and Capital
16. Governments and the Redistribution of Income

Part Three: Macroeconomics
17. Introduction to Macroeconomics
18. The National Accounts
19. GDP and the Multiplier Model
20. Money, Banks and Interest Rates
21. GDP and Prices: The AS-AD model
22. Unemployment
23. Inflation and Unemployment
24. Business Cycles
25. Economic Growth
26. Monetary, Fiscal and Supply-side Policies
27. International Trade
28. International Payments

550 pages, Paperback

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