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wydawnictwo: BUSINESS EXPERT , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

cena netto: 169.40 Twoja cena  160,93 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Practical Solutions to Global Business Negotiations

One of the most significant developments in recent years has been the emergence of global markets, which has triggered opportunities for multinational firms to seek business across national borders. Global markets offer unlimited opportunities. But competition in these markets is intense. To be globally successful, companies must learn to operate and compete in multiple environments which may be different from the home environment. One important prerequisite for success in foreign markets is the ability to negotiate properly. Global business negotiations are affected by the cultural backgrounds of the negotiators, comprising language, cultural conditioning, negotiating style, approaches to problem solving, implicit assumptions, gestures and facial expressions, and the role of ceremony and formality. Therefore, negotiators assigned to deal with their foreign counterparts need a lot of learning and skills. With training and practice such learning and skills can be enhanced.

The proposed book offers a practical guide to acquire negotiating skills.

The purpose of this book is to provide consistently effective strategies and systematic approaches to negotiations that will dramatically improve international managers as negotiators.

The book provides sufficient familiarity with negotiating styles that will help managers identify their unique strength and weaknesses, thus enabling them to interpret and comfortably use the latest advances in the field of negotiation in dealing internationally.

334 pages, Paperback

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