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wydawnictwo: EDWARD ELGAR , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 497.00 Twoja cena  472,15 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

‘The broad sweep of “green taxation” – pollution, carbon, resource and land taxes, and tax incentives for environmental goals – makes it complex to analyse. Green Taxation in East Asia is a timely and valuable comparative contribution to an expanding literature. Its scholarly country studies show how green taxes aim to modify behaviour, correct externalities, regulate, or raise revenue. As environmental policy and tax policy move closer together, green taxes become feasible, but are always, as the editors say, “shaped by local political, economic and social circumstances”.’

– Miranda Stewart, University of Melbourne, Australia


Christine Loh

1. Conspectus
Richard Cullen and Yan Xu

2. Environmental Taxation in China: The Case of Transport Fuel Taxation
Yan Xu

3. Green Tax Measures for Hong Kong: A Policy Proposal
Jefferson VanderWolk

4. Land Transportation in Singapore: Tax and Regulatory Policies to Promote Sustainable Development
Stephen L.H. Phua

5. Environmental Taxation in the United States: Retrospective and Prospective
Janet E. Milne

6. Optimal Climate Change Tax Policy for Small Open Economies
Arthur J. Cockfield

7. Not Enough Room for Optimal Choices? The European Legal Framework for Green Taxes
Mattias Derlén and Johan Lindholm

8. Behavior Modifying Taxes, Emissions Trading and Tax Expenditure Reform: Market-based Responses to Climate Change in Australia
Wayne Gumley and Natalie Stoianoff

9. Green Taxation: The New Zealand Story
Shelley Griffiths

10. Concluding Thoughts: A Greener Future?
Jefferson VanderWolk


304 pages, Hardcover

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