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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

cena netto: 35.50 Twoja cena  33,73 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


0.1 List of principle notation

I Linear algebra

1 Matrix
1.1 Definition and examples
1.2 Special matrices
1.3 Operations with matrices
1.4 Exercises
2 Determinant of a matrix
2.1 Definition
2.2 Applications of determinant
2.3 Calculation of higher dimensions determinants
2.4 Exercises
3 Rank of a matrix
3.1 Definition and examples
3.2 Step matrix
3.3 Exercises
4 Linear equations
4.1 Definition
4.2 The Gauss method
4.3 Exercises
5 Linear space
5.1 Definition and examples
5.2 Linear independence
5.3 Exercises

II Calculus

6 Sequence of numbers
6.1 Limit of a sequence
6.2 Series of numbers
6.3 Exercises
7 Limit of a function
7.1 Definition and examples
7.2 Exercises
8 Derivative of a function
8.1 Definition and examples
8.2 Extremes
8.3 Exercises
9 Inde_nite integral
9.1 Definition and examples
9.2 Exercises
10 De_nite integral
10.1 Definition and examples
10.2 Applications of Riemann integral
10.3 Exercises
11 Multivariable function
11.1 Derivative of a multivariable function
11.2 Extreme values of a function of two variables
11.3 Extreme values of a function of three variables
11.4 Exercises

III Probability

12 Probability space
12.1 Definition and examples
12.2 Examples of defining probability
12.3 Conditional probability
12.4 Exercises
13 Random variable
13.1 Definition and examples
13.2 Discrete random variable
13.2.1 Expected value and variance of discrete random variables
13.3 Exercises
13.4 Continuous random variables
13.4.1 Expected value and variance of continuous random variables
13.5 Quantile and kurtosis of a random variable
13.6 Exercises
14 Random vectors
14.1 Definition and examples
14.2 Correlation coefficient
14.3 Exercises

132 pages, Paperback

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