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wydawnictwo: WYD UN ŁÓDŹ , rok wydania 2015, wydanie I

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Living and Working in a Social Welfare Home in Poland

A Sociological Study on the Interaction of Personnel with Mentally Handicapped Charges

This book – Living and working in a social welfare home in Poland. A sociological study on the interaction of personnel with mentally handicapped charges – is an empirical study carried out in accordance with the methodology of grounded theory.

In it I focus on presenting and reconstructing those aspects of developing an institutional order which refer directly to the level of interactions, with special attention devoted to the process of developing interpersonal relationships between the residents and representatives of personnel in a social welfare home. I present the principles and rules which, together with institutional rites, customs and the prevailing system of values functioning in a social welfare home, form the basis for the production, maintenance and reconstruction of social order in a welfare institution in Poland.

Therefore, the book constitutes a source of information about the Polish system of social welfare, as well as about the situation of the disabled in Poland, which should interest those researchers who deal with comparative studies, as well as practitioners willing to deepen their knowledge about the scope of welfare policy that functions in Poland.

Preface 11
Introduction 13

Chapter 1. Theoretical basis of research 17
1.1. Social order in the theory of a sociological thought 18
1.2. Social order in normative terms 20
1.3. Social order in interpretative terms  25
1.3.1. Symbolic interactionism and problems of social order 25
1.3.2. Social order in phenomenological sociology and ethnomethodology 29
1.3.3. Social and interaction order in the concept of Erving Goffman  32
1.3.4. Institutional embrace of social order in the concept of Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann 37
1.4. Social and interaction order – summary 39

Chapter 2. Intellectual disability from the viewpoint of science and social perception  41
2.1. Mental disability in the scientific discourse  42
2.2. Reasons underlying mental disability and their classifications – interdisciplinary approach 49
2.3. Mental disability and a mental illness – differences and similarities  52
2.4. Intellectual disability as a social category  55
2.5. The place of an intellectually disabled person in the Polish society 57
2.6. Realization of the subjectivity concept of a mentally handicapped persons in Polish   society 61

Chapter 3. The place of an intellectually disabled person in the Polish system of social welfare 67
3.1. Policy of Poland towards the intellectually disabled persons – systemic solutions   68
3.2. Institutionalization of care over the mentally disabled persons  73
3.2.1. A social welfare home in the structure of social politics and the system of Polish law 74
3.2.2. Realization of supportive tasks in the institutional conditions of a social welfare home in Poland 77
3.3. The place of a mentally disabled person in an institutional system of social welfare in Poland – summary 81

Chapter 4. Methodology of research  85
4.1. Aim and subject of the research 85
4.2. Characteristics of the field of research  85
4.3. Research techniques 87
4.3.1. Unstructured interview 88
4.3.2. Participant observation 90
4.3.3. Analysis of existing materials 92
4.4. Qualitative methods applied in examination of the environment of the mentally handicapped 93
4.4.1. Methodology of the grounded theory 95
4.4.2. Ethnographic research 97
4.4.3. Ethnography and the grounded theory – comparison of methods  101
4.5. Justification of the choice of chosen research methods and techniques  104
4.6. Characteristics of research into the environment of mentally handicapped persons   105
4.6.1. Level of perception and linguistic competences of the subjects and the collection of empirical data  105
4.6.2. Neutrality and the emotional engagement of a researcher-observer  106
4.6.3. Transformation of the role and dynamics of the researcher’s identity 109
4.7. Ethics of the research into intellectual disability – a moral borders of field exploration 111

Chapter 5. Communication, understanding, agreement – the process of building an interaction order in the social space of the social welfare home 115
5.1. Analysis of communication functions  115
5.1.1. Sense and meaning of communication in a welfare institution  116
5.1.2. Types and manners of communication between charges and guardians  118
5.1.3. Principles of communication between the personnel and residents 127
5.1.4. Levels of understanding – problems of intentionality and the significance of a communication  130
5.1.5. Meaning of the act of communicating and coming to an understanding – summary 132
5.2. Constructing an “institutional” reality of a social welfare home 134
5.2.1. Reconstruction of a resident’s biography  134
5.2.2. Reinterpretations of meanings performed on the linguistic and notion level   140
5.2.3. Process of typification and categorization  146
5.2.4. Environmental norms and metanorms  151
5.2.5. Institutional rites and customs 154
5.2.6. The system of values that functions in a social welfare home  157
5.3. The negotiating dimension of interpersonal relationships  161
5.3.1. Partner relationships and the requirements of professionalization of personnel’s work 161
5.3.2. Perception of the needs of charges and their realization by the staff  164
5.3.3. Adaptation of quasi-family roles versus the task perspective 170
5.4. Communication, understanding, agreement – summary 176

Chapter 6. Elements that (dis)organize the social order in a social welfare home 179
6.1. Context of uncertainty in interpersonal relationships between the personnel and charges 179
6.2. Actions and behaviours of residents which destabilize the institutional order   184
6.2.1. Conflict situations and conflicts  184
6.2.2. Aggression and auto-aggression of charges  188
6.3. How residents’ inactions and demands can lead to the destabilization of institutional order  193
6.3.1. Passivity and withdrawal of residents  193
6.3.2. Demanding attitude on the part of the residents  198
6.4. The emotional context of personnel’s work 202
6.4.1. Desensitizing routinization of a worker 203
6.4.2. Emotional hypersensitivity of a worker 205
6.5. Consequences of emotions in a workplace  207
6.5.1. Mistakes made by personnel as an effect of their emotional engagement  208
6.5.2. Interpersonal consequences of mistakes  209
6.5.3. Emotions in the workplace – stress and destruction of professional identity   213

Chapter 7. Control and subordination versus autonomy and independence 219
7.1. Order of interactions – between autonomy and control 219
7.2. Components of control and autonomy in a social welfare home 232
7.2.1. Time and space  233
7.2.2. Body and corporeality  238
7.2.3. Manipulating and managing expressions  243
7.2.4. The role of authority and close relations  248
7.2.5. Self-reliance, independence and forms of activity of the residents  252
7.3. Control versus autonomy – summary  255

Chapter 8. A social welfare home and its surrounding  259
8.1. Spatial and systemic connections and social interdependencies  259
8.2. The social micro-environment of a social welfare home’s environment  262
8.3. Mutually advantageous relations and spheres of controversy – the social dimension of the social welfare home’s environment   265

Chapter 9. The process of socialization of a worker and resident  271
9.1. Acquisition of skills of adaptation 271
9.2. Infiltration of the professional environment into the personal lives of employees of a social welfare home  273
9.3. Breakthrough events in the biography of an employee of a social welfare home   275
9.4. Satisfaction with work as an element of building and maintaining the professional identity of an employee of a social welfare home 277
9.5. The process of socialization of a worker and resident – differences and similarities 279
9.5.1. A social welfare home as a place of living and working  279 Time-spatial criterion  280 Decisiveness criterion  280 Life perspective criterion  281
9.5.2. Acquisition of the perspective of a resident by a mentally disabled person   281 The process of adopting a role and becoming a member of a welfare institution   282 Institutional conditions of mentally disabled persons’ perception  of themselves 284 Role of the social and institutional environment in the process of becoming a resident of a social welfare home  287
9.5.3. Work, profession, and professionalism – the process of becoming an employee of a social welfare home for mentally handicapped persons  293

Conclusions – summary 303
Works cited  309
Legal acts  325
A list of tables  325
Annex 1. Observations performed in separate social welfare homes  326
Annex 2. Interviews conducted in the social welfare homes 327

331 pages, Paperback

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