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wydawnictwo: ADAM MARSZAŁEK , rok wydania 2015, wydanie I

cena netto: 41.15 Twoja cena  39,09 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Economic Challenges for Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe

[...] The papers presented in this publication are providing an overview of the topics that were addressed. However, it is impossible to overestimate the added value of the discussions that were held during the Conference [...].

Profesor Marek Rocki, SGH / http://www.rocki.pl

Aleksander Surdej, Marcin Kędzierski

Julius Horvath

Diane P.C. Vancea, Mitică Pepi, Mihai A. Gîrţu
Challenges and trends in reforming the financing of higher  education – views from Romania

Marcin Kędzierski
Income-contingent loan as the instrument of financing higher education in Central and Eastern Europe - lessons from Hungary

Tomáš Doseděl
Economic and non-economic returns on higher education in the Czech Republic between 2000 and 2013

Alexander Sichinava, Medea Chikava, Dali Sekhniashvili
The influence of higher education on the individual and public incomes in Georgia

Iwona Kowalska
Financing higher education in Poland under the EU Innovation Projects

János Rechnitzer, Adrienn Reisinger
University – city – economy: characteristics of the “Győr model”

Jacek Klich
Demographic shifts and higher education. Visegrad countries universities’ responses and strategies

Marc Bittner, Victoria Holczmann, Michaela Hudler-Seitzberger
Education levels, professional status and readiness for  “job-downgrading” among potential labor migrants in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Konrad Pędziwiatr, Patryk Kugiel
Poland as a study destination: the case of Indians at Polish universities

Jan Brzozowski, Konrad Pędziwiatr
Student immigration and internationalisation of Polish universities:  the case of Ukrainians at the Cracow University of Economics

Galina Tymokhova, Olena Zhukovska
Distance education funding: structural forms and institutions

Daria Kuchařová
Student satisfaction with quality of higher education services: students’ and faculty management views

Matti Wiberg
Students as quality evaluators: recipe for disaster?

Andrzej Boczkowski
Economic and ideological aspects of different approaches to the quality of higher education

Aleksander Surdej
Is there a higher education bubble in Central and Eastern Europe?

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