Książka komplementarna do Diagnosis of the Polish economy - zakres merytoryczny
dotyczy wpływu rządu na gospodarkę w sytuacji zmian zachodzących na skutek wymiany
ekip rządzących. W książce badania dotyczą okresu po roku 1989.
W części badawczej podjęto próbę określenia powiązań poziomych pomiędzy
poszczególnymi rządami a gospodarką z uwzględnieniem okresów oddziaływania i
zauważalnych wahań koniunktury gospodarczej. Dokonano tego w oparciu o dane statystyczne
i wybrane parametry makroekonomiczne.
Adresowana jest do zagranicznych studentów studiujących w Polsce w ramach
międzynarodowych programów wymiany (Erasmus). Może być także użyteczna polskim
słuchaczom, szczególnie kierunków ekonomicznych - czytającym po angielsku, jako
uzupełnienie wiedzy i terminologii z zakresu ekonomii oraz polskiej gospodarki.
The work is a complete analysis of minority governments and their effects on managing a
country and its economic condition. In the recent years Poland encountered periods during
which governments did not have a stable majority in the Sejm. Generally, people tend to
believe that minority governments are worse than majority ones but is it really true? Is
there really hard evidence that minority governments negatively affect the condition of a
country? It is difficult to answer these questions as there is not much literature that
would describe and analyse this phenomenon. The topic is important as almost every state
encounters periods with minority governments. During such periods opposition politicians
demand the fall of government. This proves how minority governments affect the economic
condition. That has been the reason this topic was chosen. We should verify if the common
conviction is really true. Another aspect is human curiosity. Once we found that there are
no recent works on minority governments in Poland we investigated the topic. It appeared
not only to be interesting but could also answer many questions.
The authors hope that the whole work will allow every reader (even those that are not
familiar with the economy) to understand what is the economic condition, how it may be
influenced and how it is influenced by minority governments. They hope that even though
the work concerns the economy and politics it will be a pleasure to read.
The book is mainly addressed to foreign students in Poland within the framework of
exchange programmes. It could also be useful for other students of economic faculties as
Polish students leaving Poland may have to communicate more frequently with foreigners and
read texts in English. English-speaking Poles can also be the addressees of the book when
trying to understand the Polish economy.
Table of Contents
1. Economic situation
1.1. Definition
1.2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
1.2.1. Definition
1.2.2. Types of GDP
1.2.3. Disadvantages of GDP
1.2.4. Measurement methods
1.3. Unemployment
1.3.1. Definition
1.3.2. Types of unemployment
1.3.3. Measurement methods
1.3.4. Effects on the economic condition
1.3.5. Disadvantages of the unemployment rate variable
1.4. Foreign Direct Investment
1.4.1. Definition
1.4.2. Types of FDI
1.4.3. Motives behind the FDI
1.4.4. Effects of FDI
1.4.5. Measurement methods
1.5. Inflation
1.5.1. Definition
1.5.2. Types of inflation
1.5.3. Causes of inflation
1.5.4. Measurement methods
1.5.5. Significance of Inflation (Pros and cons)
1.6. Comparison methodology
2. Influence of the government on the condition of the Economy
2.1. Government Objectives
2.2. Fiscal Policy
2.2.1. Objectives and functions
2.2.2. Tools of fiscal policy
2.3. Monetary Policy
2.3.1. National Bank of Poland
2.3.2. Basic functions of the Central Bank
2.4. Legislative Policy
2.4.1. International trades and agreements
2.5. Conclusions
3. Minority government characteristic
3.1. Types of governments
3.1.1. One party majority government
3.1.2. Majority coalition
3.1.3. Minority coalition
3.1.4. One party minority government
3.2. Role of the President
3.3. Reason of minority government creation
3.4. Characteristics of minority governments
3.4.1. Olszewski - December 23 1991 - June 5 1992
3.4.2. Buzek - June 07 2000 - October 18 2001
3.4.3. Miller - March 01 2003 - May 02 2004
3.4.4. Belka - May 02 2004 - October 31 2005
3.4.5. Marcinkiewicz - October 31 2005 - May 05 2006
3.5. Summary and overall characteristic
4. Data presentation and verification - research
4.1. Hypothesis
4.2. Time intervals
4.3. Methodology
4.4. Analysis of the indicators
4.4.1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
4.4.2. Buzek's cabinet
4.4.3. Miller's, Belka's and Marcinkiewicz' cabinets
4.4.4. Conclusions
4.5. Unemployment Rate (UR)
4.5.1. Olszewski's cabinet
4.5.2. Buzek's cabinet
4.5.3. Miller's, Belka's and Marcinkiewicz' cabinets
4.5.4. Conclusions
4.6. Foreign Direct Investments (FDI)
4.6.1. Buzek's cabinet
4.6.2. Miller's, Belka's and Marcinkiewicz' cabinets
4.6.3. Conclusions
4.7. Inflation
4.7.1. Olszewski's cabinet
4.7.2. Buzek's cabinet
4.7.3. Miller's, Belka's and Marcinkiewicz' cabinets
4.7.4. Conclusions
Table of figures
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