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wydawnictwo: WYD UJ , rok wydania 2016, wydanie I

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Media Management

A Comparative Analysis of European and American systems

A book can be both a good academic manual and a source of knowledge for practitioners – the media employees (especially managers). The author skillfully combines various conventions making a basically scholarly work also a clearly formulated quick reference for a wide audience.

Prof dr hab. Beata Glinka, Warsaw University


Part 1

Chapter 1. Origins of Management Sciences
1.1 Management from a historical perspective
1.2 Management as a scientific discipline
1.3 Management as a humanistic approach

Chapter 2. Media Systems
2.1. Systemic Conceptions
2.2. Media Systems
2.2.1. Selected media systems
2.2.2. Selected models of media systems

Chapter 3. The Essence of Media Management - Dual Nature of the Media
3.1. Media management in historical and methodological contexts
3.2. Theoretical concepts of media management
3.3. Media management in systemic approach
3.4. Range and subject of media management
3.4.1. The media good as a subject of management

Part 2

Chapter 4. Systems and Information Markets
4.1. Systemic and economic aspects of information
4.2. Information as stock
4.2.1. Informational system
4.2.2. Information management
4.2.3. New technologies in information society
4.3. Informational exclusion - a postulate about continuous education

Chapter 5. Economic Aspects of Media Management
5.1. Media economics as an area of research
5.2. Media Markets
5.3. Management of finances in media organizations

Chapter 6. Management of Advertising
6.1. Origins of advertising
6.2. Advertising agencies and their duties
6.3. Advertising campaigns
6.4. Selected methods of researching advertisement

Part 3

Chapter 7. Managers and Journalists
7.1. Human resources in media
7.2. Managers (Media Steersmen)
7.3. Journalists

Chapter 8. Strategies of Media Organizations. Value for Consumers
8.1. Strategy vs. Marketing Communication
8.2. Media Value Chain
8.3. Value creation in media organizations

Chapter 9. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Media Management
9.1. Boundaries of media freedom
9.2. Journalistic deontological codes
9.3. Media manipulations

Chapter 10. Developmental Trends of Media Organizations. Indicators of the Future of the Media
10.1. Language of the new media
10.2. Challenges for managers
10.3. Public media



Lists of Tables, Figures and Charts

216 pages, Paperback

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