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wydawnictwo: ADAM MARSZAŁEK , rok wydania 2016, wydanie I

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Learning and Reading Strategies of Future Teachers in International Comparison

Our text is centred on the study strategies of future teachers. As educators of future teachers, we pose the question whether and how the study strategies, which are being learnt by students during their tertiary education, acquired and reinforced. could become part of their permanent repertoire of behaviour. Our further question was whether those strategies can really lead towards more effective learning and are potentially useful to be passed on to future generations.

Czech Republic has witnessed extensive changes in the teaching profesion, partly represented by a change in the role of the teacher, as well as by many social changes leading to new motives, goals and tasks for the generation of future teachers. A reflection on the effects and their consequences for the strategies of young people in teacher training was one of the goals reasons for writing this publication. A such changes are not only specific to Czech education, but are increasingly gaining European - wide attention, our interest was also focused on future teachers from Poland, another European country with similar legal standards and political influences.

The answers to these questions can be found in the second part of the book describing the results of two empirical surveys based on a quantitative research pattern. Their aim was to identify and compare preferred learning and reading strategies of Czech and Polish future teachers in the context of current conditions.


1 System of teacher education in the Czech Republic and in Poland : structure, trends and dilemmas            
11 Teacher education in the Czech Republic                       
111 Significant moments in the education of secondary school teachers                                                
112 Framework Concept and qualification standards         
113 Dilemmas and issues in Czech teacher training          
12 Teacher training in Poland                                   
121 The structure of teacher training                        
122 Qualification standards                                
123 Dilemmas of teacher training                        

2 Comparison of Czech and Polish teachers as professional groups                                      
21 The changing role of the teacher                             
22 Quantitative comparison of the professional groups of teachers in the Czech Republic and Poland                             
221 Financial reward of teachers in the Czech Republic and Poland (comparative questions, module 1)         
222 Teaching profession from the perspectives of class size and ratio of students to teaching staff: Czech – Polish comparison (questions, module 2)                     

3 Student teachers in pregradual education: transformations                                              
31 University study and its transformations in terms of conditions affecting students                               
32 The risks connected with selected aspects of university study and their reflection on students’ evaluation of courses         
33 Reflected individuality of the student teacher as a basis for future professional life                           

4 Basis and objectives of the research: Probes 1 and 2       
41 Probe 1: Learning strategies of future teachers – conceptual framework and research objectives                            
411 Learning strategies – cognitive styles – learning styles – learning approaches                                    
412 Academic achievement: conditions, factors              
413 An overview of research objectives of Probe 1           
42 Probe 2: Students’ strategies for learning from text – conceptual framework and research objectives                            
421 Learning from text – theoretical basis                    
422 Reading, reading skills and strategies                    
423 Strategies for learning from text                         
424 Research into strategies for learning from text and the findings thereof                                
425 An overview of research objectives of Probe 2            

5 Research Methodology                                     
51 Data Collection and Processing                              
52 Description of the Research Sample                           
53 Detailed Description of Questionnaires                       
531 Learning Style – ASI (Probe 1) Questionnaire           
532 “My University Studies and I” (Probe 1) Questionnaire
533 “Learning from Text” (Probe 2) Questionnaire   

6 Main findings of Survey 1: Study strategies of students at Faculties of Education in the Czech Republic and Poland
61 Individual characteristics of students at the faculties in question                                                 
611 Students’ motivation for the teaching profession        
612 Students’ motivation for studying                      
613 Methods used by students when preparing for exams  
614 Study approaches                                     
62 Study environment of monitored Faculties of Education
621 Brief description of the study environment of both faculties                                             
622 Teaching methods used by lecturers                   
623 Students’ activities in lessons                         
624 Requirements of students for course completion        
63 Study results                                                
631 Study results and subjective effectiveness of learning
632 Learning difficulties (frequency, types, solutions)
633 Satisfaction with professional training                  

7 First part of main findings of Probe 2 : Strategies of learning from text used by students at monitored Faculties of Education                                                   
71 Strategies used by students BEFORE learning from text                                                   
72 Strategies used by students DURING learning from text        
721 Reading methods                                     
722 Strategies facilitating comprehension and retaining knowledge during learning from text                   
723 Strategies of note taking from text                      
724 Strategies during difficulties with text comprehension   
73 Strategies used by students AFTER reading from text                                                   
731 Strategies for processing of new knowledge             
732 Strategies for learning during revision of the text contents                                             
733 Strategies used when retrieving information from text                                             
734 Strategies used for difficulties in retrieving specific information from text                                 
74 Strategies of learning from text in terms of effectiveness        

8 Second part of main findings of Probe 2 : Further aspects of learning from text from the point of view of students at Czech and Polish Faculties of Education              
81 Students’ subjective evaluation of their own qualities          
811 Subjective evaluation of one’s own learning from text   
812 Motivation to repeat the reading of a text                
813 Identification of problems in learning from text and their causes from students’ point of view                    
82 Contexts of learning from text – anthropogenic factors        
Conclusion                                                      \

9 Probes 1 and 2: Statistically significant relationships, evaluation of research questions                         
91 Statistically significant relationships in the field of study strategies (Probe 1)                                 
911 Research question 1                                  
912 Research question 2                                   
913 Research question 3                                   
914 Research question 4                                  
92 Statistically significant relationships in the field of learning from text (Probe 2)                                         
921 Research question 5                                   
922 Research question 6                                   

10 Discussion and Conclusion                                
101 Research on future teachers from the perspective of learning approaches                                               
102 Profiles of Polish and Czech students in terms of learning from text                                       

THE AUTHORS                                              

268 pages, Paperback

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