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wydawnictwo: WOLTERS KLUWER , rok wydania 2016, wydanie I

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Market economy in Poland

A history

In countries with a tradition of more than one hundred years of a free market economy, both public opinion and the economic policy of subsequent governments focus on pragmatic continuity. Changes or corrections are reduced to the necessary minimum. Further, any such change in economic policy is mainly the result of democratic elections and not that of unusual events of far-reaching, unpredictable consequences, such as wars or crises. However, this scenario is rarely found in countries with a much shorter market economy history, as in the case of Poland.

This book presents the history of Poland's economic development in two periods: the interwar period and the period that followed the collapse of communism. The periods under study came in the aft ermath of historic events characterised by massive human and material losses, the First and the Second World War. Only two twenty-year periods can be said to feature market economy mechanisms in Poland, as prior to 1918 there had been no Polish state, and the period between 1950 and 1989 was marked by a socialist economy. Such a state of affairs was caused by both "bad geography" and the post-Yalta political "order". Both periods have also generated many heated discussions on issues related to the state's economic system and policy.

The publication is addressed to academics, doctoral candidates and students.


Chapter I
Poland‘s market economy in the interwar period (1918-1939)
1. Doctrinal discussions
The "third way"
Nationalist economic thinking in interwar Poland
The "old" generation
The "young" generation
The "intermediate" economic programme of the National Party
Private property
Market and money
International relations
Statism and market economy
2. Credit institutions in the interwar period
The Polish market in the interwar period
The Warsaw Stock Exchange
The Premium (3%) Investment Loan
The Third Series Premium (4%) Dollar Loan
The (4%) Consolidation Loan of 1936
The State (5%) Conversion Loan of 1924
The (5%) Conversion Railway Loan of 1926
The Internal (4.5%) State Loan of 1937
Interest-bearing bank securities
Interest-bearing securities of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK)
Interest-bearing securities of Państwowy Bank Rolny
Interest-bearing securities of Bank Akceptacyjny S.A.
Interest-bearing securities of Polski Bank Komunalny
Mortgage bonds
Mortgage bonds of land credit societies
Long-term credit
The state credit market
The private market
Land credit societies
Municipal credit societies, municipal banks and mortgage banks
Credit Society of Polish Industry
Characteristics of the Polish credit market
Pocztowa Kasa Oszczędności
State-owned savings institutions on Polish territories before 1919
3. Elimination of the credit market in the Polish People‘s Republic
Sources and literature

Chapter II
The second period: system transformation
1. Legislative processes of 1989-2001
Law on commercial activity - a historic overview
Local government
Protection of competition
2. Return to a free market economy



240 pages, Hardcover

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