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wydawnictwo: COPERNICUS CENTER , rok wydania 2016, wydanie I

cena netto: 168.60 Twoja cena  160,17 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Concept of Explanation

A collection of essays devoted to the problem of explanation in various disciplines of science and humanities: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, neuroscience, economics as well as theology.

The issues covered include such topics as the interplay between explanation and understanding, the problem of a priori explanation, the limits of causal explanations in physics, the application of mathematics in biology, the relationship between proof and explanation in mathematics, and the use of mechanistic framework in neuroscience viewed from the perspective of philosophy of science. Moreover, various methodological controversies related to science and humanities are considered.


Robert Audi, Bartosz Brożek, Willem B. Drees, Michał Furman, Marcin Gorazda, Michael Heller, Mateusz Hohol, Andrzej Koleżyński, Stanisław Krajewski, Dominique Lambert, Olivier Riaudel, Jan Woleński, Krzysztof Wójtowicz, Wojciech Załuski.

Bartosz Brożek, Matuesz Hohol

Bartosz Brożek
Explanation and Understanding

Jan Woleński
Are Explanation and Prediction Symmetric?

Robert Audi
A Priori Explanation

Stanislaw Krajewski
Remarks on Mathematical Explanation

Krzysztof Wójtowicz
On the Problem of Explanation in Mathematics

Michael Heller
Limits of Causal Explanations in Physics

Andrzej Koleżyński
Pragmatism of Chemical Explanation

Dominique Lambert
“When Science Meets Historicity” Some Questions About the Use of Mathematics in Biology

Mateusz Hohol, Michał Furman
On Explanation in Neuroscience: The Mechanistic Framework

Marcin Gorazda
The Epistemic and Cognitive Concept of Explantion in Economics. An Attempt at Synthesis

Wojciech Załuski
The Varieties of Egoism. Some Reflections on Moral Explanation of Human Action

Willem B. Drees
Is Explaining Religion Explaining Religion Away?

Olivier Riaudel
Explanation in Christian Theology: Some Points in Common with the Human Sciences

326 pages, Hardcover

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